The Masterpiece

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After his experience with the watch Arslan was thrilled to do something with his new life. In his dream he had met men of many professions and many talents. He now knew that the world was open to him. He pondered about what he could do now to earn respect and wealth in this life. He was always mystified by the castle not because of the king but the because of the fabulous architecture. Deciding he wanted to create wonderful structures himself he went to the mason he knew from his dream life. He found the man but realised if it was just a dream how can he know people he had never met before. He went up to the man and said

"Hello Mr. Mistri, My name is Arslan , and I am looking for work can help me out"

"how old are you ?" said a young man, with brown eyes, hands covered in mud sitting next to an engraved stone which was nowhere near the work of the master pieces made by the same man in Arslan's dream.

"I am 14 sir, but if i may ask is that engraving made by you"

"yeah it is not one of my best works you see I am just 18 and am still finishing my training, and please call me by my first name Shiv "
Arslan was filled with amazement and the question was, was he going to see such a great artist in the making, and moreover be a part of his greatness.
"Well that means I can learn with you as you go along "
"Ya sure but don't expect much of a wage, only one meal every day and 10 bronze coins per month"
Now this was letting Arsalan down...
"You look down, well this is the money I give you working for me. You can ofcourse sell your pieces yourself"
"Ok, I'll do it"
Arslan started working their everyday, but then one day it happened, he saw the watch again on the street. Just lying there outside the shop. He had thought that all that had happened was just a dream but now he was confused. He went up to it, to pick it up with caution and awe...
"What's this ?..."
Shiv had picked it up. Holding the watch with amazement yet bewilderment.
"What a shame it doesn't work, such a beautiful piece." He turned it over
"Well it was made by one of ours, it's got lord Shiva on it with all his majesty"
"Wait don't take that..."
"Now Arslan, finders keepers, losers weepers"
Now Arslan wanted to believe his other life had just been a dream but now that possiblity seemed muddy.
He decided against telling Shiv about what Arslan believed to be its powers for he knew what destruction it can cause.
Days went by and Shiv had decided to copy the watch's  engraving on a rock so it was harmlessly sitting in the center of the shop as he worked on his masterpiece. Soon Arslan was starting to believe the fact that this watch was nothing more than a broken piece of metal and glass. Moreover he had convinced himself that his dream had nothing to do with the watch.
Shiv's masterpiece took 8 days and was finally complete the night before the guard came.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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