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"It is day 6 since 15 year old, Vio Lior, has been missing." The news reporter says as a photo of said teen pop up next to her.


"A tragic event occurred at the house hold of the Lior's. Their seem to be a break in when they left their 15 year old son, at home." A man said. "The son is reported missing. But police found traces of blood and broken glass in the kitchen. What have yet found out whether or not the son struggled for freedom or if the kidnapper knocked him down with the broken vase."


"Ms.Lior, could you please tell us what you saw once you got home that night and how you feel about all this?" And reporter ask as she and other followed ms.Lior and mr.Lior.

"How do I feel about all this!? HOW DO I FEEL!! You mean to ask me how does I feel to come home to figure out that MY SON IS MISSING!! THAT HE WAS KIDNAPPED AND FOR ALL I KNOW HE CAN BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!! YET YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO ASK ME HOW I FEEL!!" Ms.Lior yelled out to the reporters and cameras her husband pulling her away from them also letting out a few non-kid safe words.


"Shadow are you going to be find here alone?" The sound of his mothers voice said behind his lock door.

"I'll be fine" he said tears flowing down his face and onto his pillow.

"Are you sure? I don't wa-" she started to say till shadow cut her off.

"Don't want what?! For me to be forcefully taken away from my family and friends like my boyfriend!! Heh maybe it the same damn person that took VIO! HAH maybe I can be able to see the person I love! So ya, I'll be fine!" Shadow grabbed a vase he had for some reason in his room and threw it at the wall when he heard his mother walk away.


"FUCKING POLICE NOT DOING SHIT TO FIND OUR BROTHER!! I SWEAR ILL KILL ALL THERE LAZY ASSES!!" Blue roared out as the news reporter said that police where trying to find the missing boy but had no leads.

"Green calm your twin down, please." Their step mother, rose, said.

"NO HE RIGHT! BUT WE DON'T REALLY NEED THE POLICE BECAUSE WE ALL READY KNOW WHO FUCKING TOOK VIO!!" Green said throwing things angry that this woman tried to control them. She had no right to try a act like she was their mother. They only had one mother and she and them were crying over the fact that someone took Vio away just when they came back together.

"Oh, than who is it that to him?" Rose ask messing around with a old voice recorder.

"THAT ASSHOLE WE USE TO CALL FATHER!" Blue yell punching the wall when he had nothing more to throw.

"And why do you think that?" She ask walking a bit closer to them.

"BECAUSE HE ALMOST RAPE VIO WHEN WE WHERE YOUNG, AND IF IT WASN'T FOR THE GUT FEELING THAT I HAD THEN HE WOULD HAVE RAPE HIM!" Blue said crying and falling to his knees. Green walks up to him and hugs him both of them on the floor.

"We just got him back and he took him away from us again." Blue whispered out, all anger left him and he's now filled with sorrow and pain. Green not feeling any better.

"Don't worry once we find your brother and Phil, I'll fix everything up, and you guys can go back to being happy with each other." Rose said grabbing the voice recorder and started to mess with it again as she walk out the penthouse.  The two brothers look at each other and shrugged.


OMG now I know why authors like to do sad tragic stuff in their stories. It makes the story longer. Hahahahahahhahahaha!





And with that I say, fair well my violent roses🌹!

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