The storm

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I suck I know

-no ones POV; 16 days after the disappearance of Vio Lior, with Shadow-

The sound of soft knocking echoed around the dark clad boy's room. "Shadow, I know your crush because Vio is gone, everyone is, your friends aren't any better, so please, you don't have to go to school, y'all can go hangout, but please get out of your room and spend time with your friends, they need you." Shadow's mother said tears ready to fall anytime soon.

Shadow knew that his mother was right. He wasn't the only one effected by the disappearance of Vio. Vio's mother, stepfather and brothers we also terribly worried for Vio and his whereabouts. Sighing as he got up he walk to his dresser grabbing a black shirt, blue skinny jeans (that Vio said looks good on him) and put some socks on and then his his black vans. He walk up to his door and for the first time since Vio's disappearance he opened his bedroom door and saw his mother there with a look of surprise on her face, then it quickly became a face of relief as she hugged her son.

Shadow smile at his dad as he walks out the front door and walks up to his black van. once inside, he turned it on and drove off to the closest ones to his house, which was Blue and Green.

As he pulls up he can see there lights off and he walks into the halo tower, going to the elevator and pushing the button for the 39th floor, which housed the Lior twins. He knocks on the door and a few moments later Rose opens the door and looks at Shadow with tired eyes. Looks like shes working on something important to be up so much, wink wink.

"Hello, is Green and Blue here?" Shadow asked her. She looks him up and down and shakes her head and says "They left to see their mother." With that she starts to close the door but Shadow hears one more thing from her " looks like the twins and mother aren't the only ones effected by his disappearance." The door now shut and locked sent Shadow off wondering what she meant. going inside the elevator and goes down to the lobby and to his van, driving to the next closest person which would be Vaati.


"No! NO NO STOP IT!... Please no more!... It HURTS! AAAAAHHHHHH!"


Driving to Vaati's house, he called ahead of time and asked Vaati to be ready to go somewhere.

"Shadow I don't know, I mean you may get Red to go but Green and Blue just got him back and he's been taken away again." Vaati said as Shadow drove off to Red's place after He picked him up.

"I know but if the cops can't even search for Vio correctly then we have to." Shadow said pulling up to Red's house and they both got out. Walking to the front door, they both knock at the same time and waited for a few seconds and the door was opened by Red's mother. Instead of her happy self, she had bangs under her eyes and her eyes where sad, but once she saw who it was, she ask them if they came to try and convince Red to get out of his room. The two said that they wanted to hang out with Red and the others and to see if the cops had any leads. Red's mother nodded solemnly as they passed to get to Red's room.

Knocking on his door they were quickly answered by Red saying "Go away mom I don't want to go out right now."

Shadow smiled a bit and said "Even if we're going to try and find Vio?" It was quiet for a few moments the only sound was the soft sound of movement inside of the locked room then the room lock could be heard and Red open the door ready to go and asked "I guess we're saving Blue and Green for last?" Smiling at him the other two nodded their heads and they walk over to the van.

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