Night One

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After my encounter with Gertellis and the Bokoblins, I walked for a few more hours till the sun was low on the horizon, the trees casting long shadows. In those few hours I had talked to Fi a little more and learned about the land. Now that night was coming, I needed to look for a place to sleep. I yawned, tipped my head back and that's when I saw the most gorgeous sunset. The sky had turned into a colorful mixture of pinks, blues, oranges and all of the colors of the rainbow. They lit up the sky, reflecting off the clouds in the light's one last hurrah before nightime. Up in Skyloft, these views seldom occurred. I stopped and watched as the sun dipped beneath the horizon. Focus on the mission, my mind whispered. I sighed, sat down on a moss covered rock to the side of the path and unsheathed my sword. Fi was resting and I needed advice.

"Fi, I need a safe place to sleep. Can you help me?"

The sword glowed for a half second, then there she was. I was still amazed at how it worked. I believed in the Goddess, but I had only heard of magic in the tales of old. Fi's blue head tilted as she analyzed my request.

"Master Link, I had located a secure spot twelve meters ahead to the right. Three trees form a small, triangle clearing and there you will be shielded from rain, but allows a fire to be built. I suggest extra defenses be put in the spaces between each tree."

"Very detailed," I retorted.

    Sure enough, there it was, just a few paces off the road even. The luck I had was unbelievable! I set to work, building a fire with my fire starter. I discovered that I could actually use my sword with the striker to create sparks and it wouldn't dull my blade. It is magic, of course. As soon as the flames were stable, I walked farther into the thick forest. When I say thick I mean vines everywhere, roots tangling your feet. I hacked at vines with the Skyward Sword, collecting them for my defenses. After, I hung the strong vines between each gap in the tree, forming a protective screen around my campsite. They were wound so tightly around the trees that if a monster came by, he would only hear the crackling of the fire and the smoke from the tops of the trees. I dug a gap big enough for me to fit under the screen and wiggled through to my fire. I shrugged off my pack. I crouched down to get my sleeping roll along with some food, and winced. My legs were so sore from walking all day. By this time, night was well under way. I huddled in my sleep roll, and tried to rest.
    Turns out, it's really hard to sleep on the Surface. It seemed as if the forest was alive, a living creature in its own way. It creaked and groaned, snaps echoed and leaves rustled, sending chills down my spine. I decided I wasn't going to get much sleep. I sat up, ruffled my short blond hair and took a sip from the water skin. Adding a log to the fire, I unrolled the map.

"Fi, I need a status report and my location on this map."

She appeared next to me. Normally, she floated, but now Fi was seated on the ground, a slight aura of blue glowed around her.

"This is where we are located."

She pointed to a small place on the map in the section of Faron Woods. There were two paths leading out of the valley of Faron. One path intrigued me.

"What are the Deep Woods?" I ask, pointing to it.

"From what I gather, the Deep Woods is an dangerous section. In the time before Skyloft, a temple of the Goddess lay there. That is our destination. I sense Zelda's aura there."

I turned to Fi.

"Do you think it's true that my fate is intertwined with Zelda?"

"Yes. I was sent from the Goddess to inform and guide the chosen one on their journey. In this case, you. As the chosen ones, I stand correct," she replied. I nodded incoherently. An image caught my eye smack dab in the middle of the map which formed a question,

"What is that?" I asked, pointing to a plant-like drawing. All the paths seemed to be spreading out from its roots or something. Fi seemed to roll her eyes, even though they don't move and answered, exasperated,

"That, Master Link, is a tree."


"Master if you're going to have any energy tomorrow, you must get some rest."

I rolled my own eyes and lay back down in my bedroll.

"I know Fi. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Link."

Then, having the reassurance of knowing where to go and how to get to Zelda, I fell asleep as soon as my eyes closed.

Hey all! Sorry this was kind of a quick filler. The next chapter is kind of making my head hurt, but oh well. Happy New Year everyone! Hope you have an amazing 2017! Quick question: should I put my author's notes at the beginning or end of the chapter?

The Adventures of Link: The Skyward Sword: Book 1: The TemplesWhere stories live. Discover now