-Skipping School-

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"Skip school? Jack, are you feeling alright?” Mark teased, running a hand in front of my eyes.

  I grabbed his hand and looked deeper into his eyes, “Mark, I’m serious."

  "Really?" He hummed, taking the hand he had been waving in front of my face and folding my fingers into it smoothly.

  "Yes! Really. I really wa-"

  I was cut off as our science teacher walked into the room. “We’ll discuss this later.” I hissed, facing forward.

  While the teacher babbled on, I fought within myself. I felt something for him. I felt something for Mark. I couldn’t deny it any longer and I hated the feeling so much.

  I hated the thought that someone had the control to completely destroy me-- to fully obliterate me. Its not that I didn't trust him with my heart... I just didn't want to give up what little control I had.

  Maybe I could rethink the fact that I liked him? Maybe I could like someone else instead? I hated the thought of Mark having this power over me. I mean, sure, he was a great guy, really he was. But every time I’ve dated a popular guy, they’ve left me for someone better.

  And that hurts, ya know? It hurts. To know that you weren’t good enough for someone else. That you tried your hardest but it wasn’t and never will be enough. That’s the thing these days-- it’s never enough. Everything I give, everything I have… it’s never enough.

  “So we’ll have partners I assign, alright?” The teacher was saying as I snapped out of my daze.

  She listed off some people, and as I started to zone out again I heard her say, “Mark and… Bob.”

  I saw Mark fistbump his friend, Bob. I smiled slightly as they both laughed, excited to be together.

  "Sean... and Signe.” The teacher announced. I made eye contact with a beautiful girl, and smiled slightly at her. I’d been gay my whole life, but this girl…

  I shook myself out of it, standing to let Bob take my seat and sitting beside Signe, who was conveniently seated in front of Mark and Bob.

  This may sound weird, but I’d never felt the way for a girl as I did now. Maybe I wasn’t strictly gay, and I just hadn’t found the right girl yet. All I knew was that I liked this girl.

  As we got to talking, I realized there was so much more than just her looks. I mean, that was to be expected, but she was so sweet! She was funny, kind, and took her time explaining what was going on in Science classes.

  I bit my lip as she handed me her number so we could hook up to work on our project.

  I looked into her eyes and smiled, and I had a similar thought-- the same I’d had for Mark.

  As I watched her walk out of the classroom, the bell ringing in my ears, I knew she was the one.

  I know, I said the same for Mark. But maybe, in life, there isn’t just one person.

  Maybe there’s multiple, and you just have to pick your favorite.

  All I knew, was that I chose her, so she must’ve been the one.

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