Chapter 3

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**skip to Hogwarts**

"Hello Hagrid!" Harry beamed. Hermione, Cherish, and Ron joined Harry in a group hug with the ginormous man.

Kendall walked off with Hadlee delivering her to the group of first year and gathering with her own group of friends. 

"Welcome back Harry!" Hagrid's loud, and raspy voice ran through my ears. "Who might you be?" He directed toward me.

"This is Liza my sister." Cherish placed a hand on my back.

"Hi." I shyly said.

"Let me take that cart for you and just follow Ms. McGonagall." He pointed to an old scraggly lady that looked intimidatingly wise.

I nodded and walked over to join the rest of the group. I was rather taller than the rest of the kids. My red haired sister Hadlee held my hand as we walked up the stairs and came to a stop. 

"In just a few moments you will join your classmates but before you will be sorted into a house. There are four. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slyhterin." Professor McGonagall said and walked off. 

The crowd of first years and myself walked through the large doors leading to the front of the Great Hall. I was too amazed by the beautiful building to notice anybody else. 

I zoned out as Professor Albus Dumbledore had a speech. Before I knew it names were being called.

The hat started calling out. "Ravenclaw! Hufflepuff! Slytherin! Ravenclaw!"

My heart statred to beat faster and faster as the end of the line where I stood neared.

"Hadlee McMaster." Dumbledore called. 

She let go of my hand and walked up to the stool, and before she could even sit down fully the hat called. "Gryffindor!" She smiled and rejoiced walking over to sit next to Cherish. Hadlee winked at me. I smiled. 

"Elizabeth McMaster." I heard and my heart skipped a beat. 

I walked hesitantly up the steps reminding myself of my clumsiness. Easing on top of the stool. Professor McGonagall set the hat atop my head.

"Ahhh." It said. "Very interesting. Very very interesting." 'Come on let's get this over with' I thought.

"Patience please." It ordered. "Optimistic. Loving. Oh, but beneath she's a dare-devil. Mysterious. Untrusting. Dark magic courses through your veins, power, vengefulness." The hat announced.

"Tell my whole life story why don't you." I whispered.

"Not yet." The hat said.

I had been sitting on the stool for a good two minutes and thirty seconds now.

"This is a hard one. No matter where you go you'll never be satisfied. So what shall it be Ravenclaw?" The ravenclaws all perked up.

"No too careless. Perhaps Hufflepuff?" At this the Hufflepuff's seemed hopeful sitting up out of their seats.

"No too daring. Gryffindor or Slytherin? A little too....What's the word....perky for Slytherin but dark for Gryffindor. But I think it'll have to be." The whole room was silent. Even Professor Dumbledore was on the tip of his toes.

".....SLYTHERIN!!" The hat yelled.

My first instinct was to look at the Gryffindor table. Cherish, Fred, George, Ron, Hermione all had surprised looks on their faces. But Harry he had a more dissapointed, than surprised.

Then there was Whitley, Draco, and the rest of the clan. They all looked very angry, surprised, and dreadful.

I made my way over to the end of the Slytherin table taking a seat next to a silver haired girl.

My eyes couldn't help but be drawn to Harry who was also looking at me from the Gryffindor table.

I'm a Slytherin.

I can't believe what just happened.



Short chapter I know but this is sort of just to get the story going. Please vote, comment, and follow! Hope you like it.

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