Chapter 6- Jack kills Dark

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Dark's P.O.V:
OMG Jack is coming over to me. I'm going to show him how much I love him.

Dark: Hi Jack I wanted to tell you how much I... Jack: Shhhh. Come here. Jack kisses Dark and Jack takes out his pocket knife and stabs him 10 times. He falls to the ground and dies. Jack: There all done.

Jack walks over to Mark in lunch surprisingly no blood on them. Mark: Kill him? Jack: Yep. You? Mark: Yep. The bell rings and they go to there next class. Jack: Before we go in can I ask you something? Mark: Sure what is it? Jack: Will you be my boyfriend? Mark: Yes of course. They kiss and walk in class The class ends 40 minutes later and then it's time to go home. Jack: Mark wanna come over to my house. Mark: Of course! They go to Jack's house and they come and sit on the couch and cuddle and watch The notebook.


Mark x Jack (Dark x Jack) (Anti x Mark)Where stories live. Discover now