To Love or Not To Love

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To Love or Not To Love? That is The Question!

​I once read that there are four kinds of love: first love, greatest love, true love and eternal love. The last being the best anyone could ever wish for. As for me, it's the kind of love that transcends beyond one lifetime. The one that's already planted in the very core of our hearts and can only be awakened at the right time by someone who possesses half of our soul. Our soulmate, who at this very moment may be thinking the same thoughts on how we would be able to find one another in this vast world we're living.

​They say that to love and be loved in return is the greatest feeling; and to love and have lost is better than to have not loved at all. But this is what I have to say, each of us believes in different things. From the moment we were born, we've been laid bare to experiences that would teach us valuable life lessons. Life is a test, with love being the ultimate test of survival. Growing old is inevitable, while growing up is optional. The way we respond to various situations depend on how we accept the things beyond our control. Easier said than done.

​It's alright to fall in love if you're sure that someone's gonna catch you, or else it's like hitting a concrete ground face down. At some point in our lives, we'll think that the choice is not for ours to make. But we're wrong, if there's one thing that I could consider the best gift God has ever given us, it's free will. It's up to us to decide on our own, so there's nobody else to blame when things didn't live up to our expectations. There are times when we felt that we're left alone to suffer in the dark, but what we failed to realize is that God is just waiting for our call. We should love selflessly rather than selfishly, the same way that God loves us unconditionally.​

​Finding love is so hard, but losing it is just as easy. Sometimes when we found love, we tend to hold onto it so tight never wanting to let it out of our sight. We must not forget that we should give love the freedom it deserves, it's the secret for making it last. We should know when to hold on, when to move on and let go. Some things are worth fighting for, while for others, we should just let destiny take its toll.

​Love alone does not make the world go 'round, but it does make the ride worthwhile. For some, love makes their life worth living. But for those who haven't found their match yet, there's no need to hurry. It comes and it goes, don't let anyone treat you as an option when you can be the only choice for somebody else. True happiness can be found within ourselves. Impossible as it may seem, someday God will create a perfect love story we couldn't have dreamt of. Hopefully when the long wait is over, it'll all be worth it.

Live, Laugh, Love!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon