First day of School.

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           As happy as i was about being in the same class as Ronnie, I was really curious about max. does he actually think that he pull this off? I am positive he would get caught the minute he enters the campus. You cannot pretend to be rich you have to be born rich to be rich. 

        I heard from Ronnie that her mom is a negligible shareholder in The statson group. That's how she managed to get my mom a job and get us into Statson high. It makes me wonder if a negligible share holder could do all this , I cant imagine the kind of things major share holders are capable of doing.

Ronnie took me to the locker room. Max was already there with a bunch of kids. How come he made friend already?. They seem to be having fun and moreover max doesn't stand out much either. Maybe I was a bit too confident that my brother would be found out. But then it is only fair that he is found out....

  Wait, .. Why am i obsessing over my brother? I have better things to do like think about finding a new part time job or in the present scenario finding my locker. I really hate asking my mom for allowance, anyway I used to work part-time ever since I was eight, So i am not going to stop working now that our condition is seemingly stable.

Ronnie found her locker right away. But where is mine?. We looked around but it was'nt .....

Wait, It cant be happening... Of all the places where it could be....My locker was the last one in that particular row, this cant be happening, Please tell me its a dream. I had to come all the way from New York just for this. My locker was right outside the men's room. I remember making fun of the girl whose locker was there back in New York, but now that it is happening to me...

Uhhhhh!... this cant be true, there is another locker on the left side but it looks like it belongs to a guy. But what about me ?

Ronnie tried to console me but I cant put my heart to rest. I tried to hide my face as a bunch of girls walked past us, giggling to themselves as they walked past us. No! I cant be like this. I am strong girl. I have been through worse...... Huh! I am seriously beginning to doubt that!

Ronnie took me to class. Walking through the hallways was like taking a leisure stroll through a palace. To be honest that was the most extravagant classroom i will ever be in. I think calling it extravagant is an understatement. Individual computers on each and every table, a personnel telephone, Digital black Board, Even a printer and Fax machine for everyone? Wow, I must really be in an elite school.

I took the desk behind Ronnie. The teacher entered and explained things about the school to us. Her name was Mrs.Sophia Edner. She actually seemed really friendly compared to my classmates.

Mrs.Edner asked everyone to introduce themselves. I was at a loss of words. How could i possibly get up and tell everyone about "myself" and clearly i don't want to lie like Max. It was my turn I uttered my name when someone in class shouted out

"Your the girl whose locker is outside the Boys Room". The entire class burst out into laughter. Mrs.Edner asked me to sit down and warned that person (Later i found out it was someone named Garry). Even though it was embarrassing it saved me the trouble of introducing myself in front of the class. So whoever it was Thanks a lot and watch what you say about people next-time.

Class started the first period was History. Mr.clamey What a way to begin school !!. We were halfway through the period when the door opened, and someone entered. He waved to the class coolly and then everyone began waving back at him and all the girls broke out into whispers, smiling and giggling to themselves. How come Mr.clamey is not saying anything?

Contrasting, to what i thought the consequences would be Mr.Clamey took a step back and gave him a formal bow and addressed him "WELCOME TO CLASS, YOUNG MASTER!!!"

Young Master? 

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