In Love Once Again...(Part 2)

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          My head was hurting very badly. I opened my eyes to a dimly lit room. I recognized I was in the nurse's office, tugged inside a blanket, wearing my gym clothes. Gym clothes? I don't remember changing. What is happening?. I quickly sat up in the bed. There were curtains on all four sides surrounding the bed. I reached out to the one on my right and pushed it side ways. It revealed, a handsome young man, golden hair, green eyes, perfect slim build wearing a white shirt, sitting on  bed with his back supported by a pillow. . He had headphones on and seemed to be focused on a book. I starred at him bluntly for a few moments, before I realized it was Damon. He turned to me. I could now see his face. I took a moment to take in his features. I've never stopped to admire Damon's or any other person's looks before. It felt kind of weird and fluttery.

"Oh! your up" he said breaking the awkward silence, which I wished would last a little longer. He shot me his soothing smile. I could feel myself being oddly calmed down by it. My gaze shifted to a corner of the room...there was a fridge.....With a sticker "Ice Box Inside".....Ice Box?.....Ice...Ice.....Cream........IceCream?.. It suddenly struck a cord. A short and rapid flashback of what happened flashed through my mind.

"How did I get here?" I asked Damon in a uncertain and drowsy tone as I scratched the back of my head with my left hand.

"I brought you here" said Damon. He then proceeded to tell me that I fainted because of the extreme cold and that its nothing to worry about, he said that I could leave right away and also insisted that he drops me off at my place.

"Well you have already done a lot for me. I think I can go home on my own. You should get some rest" I insisted. I cant ask him to babysit me now. Can I?

"That's OK! Your house is on the way to mine, I will drop you off. Don't worry about your bike I already had it sent to your place. Its already late I think we should hurry your mother might be worried." He replied. Well there is nothing much I can say right. Is There?

"Exactly how late is it?" I asked. I was curious, how late could it be that my mother would be worried?

"Its 10pm" he said as he walked towards a table in my bed side.

10PM? I was sleeping till 10PM? I was honestly shocked. I looked down at myself. I was wearing my Gym clothes. How exactly did I get into this? Wait.. Dont tell me he changed my clothes for me. Kate your thinking too much stop this!!. But wait there was no one else around. So honestly he would have been the one. How am I going to look at him now?

I turned pink. I wrapped my hands around myself and a tense look spread over my face. I was worried as well as embarrassed. Should I ask him?. No way!. I sat there debating with myself. Damon came up to me and threw my school bag and a laundry bad at me. I instinctively caught it. 

"Your things are in your school bag and I had your clothes cleaned. Come on lets go." he said as he walked towards the exit. But then he took a few steps back and turned to me. "the nurse changed your clothes. I had nothing to do with it." said rotating his keys on his Index finger.

Phew! I was relieved. I cant have him see me least not in this situation.".Kate seriously? You want to play dirty right now?" I reprimanded myself. But there other than relief why do i feel a tiny hint of disappointment?....

          I entered the Car parking. The engine roar of a Red Jaguar F-type greeted me. Damon motioned me to get in. "How come your allowed to drive your not even 18 yet?" I asked him as I got inside. "Well I got my license early as a special waiver because I learned to drive in my back yard under the supervision of the chief of police." he replied smiling. I was dumb struck and stunned. The guy says he learned to drive in his back yard. Is there anything left to say. I put on my seat belts and we drove off from hell (My School). We were halfway when I noticed through the rear view mirror.

"Damon, I think that black car is following us." I told him.

Damon took a second to look at the rear vie mirror. He shot a all knowing smile to himself.

"Yours is not the only house in this route and its common for cars to take this route late at night. Just ignore it." He said. I had nothing more to say.

We arrived at our place. The car came to a stop. These scenes are very frequent in movies, hero and heroin arrive at the heroin's car.. late at night. I immediately gave myself a mental slap. "Kate you were not out on a date with him for heavens sake!" I scolded myself. Lately I've been doing that a lot.

Before I could get out of the car. Damon got off. He walked to my side of the car and opened the door. Just as I was about to accept the polite gesture and get down. He dove underneath and lifted me in his arms. I cautiously wrapped my hands over his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"I feel bad that you had to walk to the car park back at school. Your not feeling well right? let me carry you." saying so he turned and shut the card door with a kick of his legs and walked towards the door. My heart was beating so fast that I could almost not tell if it was even beating at all. I was dumbstruck. I just starred at him. I could feel the warmth of his hands around me. Surprisingly I was not able to catch the scent of any kind of perfume, I always believed rich boys used exotic perfumes to capture girls hearts.

My gaze wandered at a distance. The mysterious car was parked on the opposite lane near our neighbour's house. That's weird I never knew my neighbours had such an expensive car. 

While I was gazing at the car. I failed to notice that the door was already open. Damon pushed himself inside and carried me to my room. All the while my heart was spilling all over the place. I kept asking him to put me down and he kept insisting on not putting me down. He gently laid me down on my bed. His hands were still wrapped around my shoulders. As he laid me down I could feel his breathe close to my neck. He retracted a few inches and everything was paused. I was starring into his eyes and he was starring into mine. His lips were a matter of millimeters away from mine and I could feel his warm breathe. He did not budge and I did not want to either. HIs glare intensified and I shut my eyes in my cheeks turned pink...........

This is it, My First Kiss. But the emotions I am harbouring right now mean more than a kiss and I could see that they were reflected in his eyes.

Don't tell me tonight is the night when I lose my.............................


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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