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"geez again?" the girl questions, her facial expression reading nothing but anger and shock.  

that's the sixth flower this week. for almost the past week, every morning when y/n comes outside to water her beloved little flowers, some have been missing. definitely not a good start to her school mornings.

she stares at her garden, different flowers and little plants seem to be looking back at her.

y/n's garden isn't huge but it's far from small. many, many, different flowers all organized accordingly. in the middle of the garden, is a little gazebo that y/n and her grandfather built together when she was very young.

but standing here, right now, y/n can't help but notice how some flower seem to have been cut at the bottom of their stem.

y/n pulls out her phone to take a picture to show her best friend who simply can't wrap the thought around his head that someone would literally be stealing y/n's beloved flowers.

y/n sighs sadly, leaning down to caress the stems of the cut flowers.

ever since she was little, she'd loved flowers so much. they did, and still do in fact intrigue her. something about how a plant could be pretty, smell good, and feed things like insects was so cool to her.

plus, her grandfather loves gardening and has been telling her things about flowers since she was very young. she'd ask him about her favorite ones and he always seemed to have an answer.

it's always just been y/n and her grandfather living in their home, but y/n doesn't mind. she loves her grandfather, and she loves seeing how happy he gets when it comes to nature.

y/n decides it's best to go back inside, and wait for her best friend so they can walk to school together as usual.

with one more sad sigh, y/n makes her way back into her home.

"grandpa, i think someone is stealing my dianthus caryophyllus flowers. i don't know what i should do at this point." y/n complains to her grandfather, who's currently flipping through last weeks sunday newspaper.

he looks up at her, concern evident on his face.

"hm, let's see here. . an animal, perhaps?"

"maybe, but they seem like they're being cut." y/n reaches over and shows her grandpa the picture she took. he shakes his head slowly,

"yes, that's definitely a cut from scissors. . . and you always seem to find them cut in the morning. so whoever's doing it must be doing it at night.

"you're right, so that means. ."

"yes, you'll have to be on the lookout."

y/n nods confidently, balling up her fists in an attempt to show her determination; causing her grandfather to chuckle.

"okay, okay, so tonight look through your bedroom window. . and see if you see anyone coming into your garden."

"okay, that just might work."


thank you for reading!

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