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y/n and yoongi make their way out of the school building.

they began walking down the street to their houses, passing other students who are on their way home as well.

"yoongi, i'm probably going to the arboretum tomorrow, do you want to come with me?"
y/n asks, causing yoongi to smile at her.

"definit– achoo!" yoongi sneezes cutting off his own words.

"bless you." y/n says, patting her best friend's shoulder.

"thank– achoo!" yoongi sneezes again, this time sniffling afterward.

y/n reaches into the pocket into her book bag and pulls out a packet of tissues, offering yoongi one.

"are you okay? are you not feeling well?" y/n questions, pressing her hand against yoongi's forehead to see if he has a fever.

"i'm okay, i just sneezed." yoongi laughs,

"it could be allergies, after all it is early spring." y/n states, causing yoongi to shrug.


it's morning time.

y/n sits at the kitchen table, waiting for her text from yoongi saying that he's outside.

she had already gone out to her garden to water her flowers and make sure nothing was missing, and she still hadn't gotten a text from yoongi.

after a second of sitting and thinking why yoongi hadn't texted her, her phone starts to ring.

y/n jumps a little before checking the caller id,
seeing that it's yoongi.

she quickly clicks the answer button, immediately hearing coughing on the other end.

"you're not dying are you?" y/n asks, causing yoongi to give her a sickly chuckle.

"i might be, i feel like shit. i can't come to school today, i'm sorry. you'll be okay right?" yoongi questions, his voice sounding so pitiful and sick that it makes y/n frown.

"i'm sorry you don't feel well, and don't apologize. i'll be just fine, i'm strong! you don't have to worry about me alright?" y/n affirms, causing yoongi to smile even though the girl can't see him.

"i should be feeling better tomorrow, i don't have a fever of anything so i'm pretty positive it's just allergies."

"okay, well i hope you feel better. i'll come by after school alright? make sure you eat! and drink lots of water too! oh also get a lot of rest!!" y/n states,

"i will, i will. have a good day, alright?"

"okay, feel better soon. bye yoongi."

"talk to you later y/n."

y/n hangs up and turns to her grandad who's sitting on the couch, drinking coffee and watching the news.

"grandad, yoongi's sick so i'm gonna get going now, have a good day alright?" y/n calls, causing her grandad to look at her.

"hm? yoongi's sick? take that box of that tea from the kitchen and take it to him after school, it really helps when you don't feel well. you should probably make it for him too, since mrs. min works so late." y/n's grandfather says.

y/n nods and goes into the kitchen, grabbing the box of teabags and putting it in her book bag.

"okay, bye grandad, see you later! love you!"

"i love you too y/n, have a good day!"

y/n walks out the front door of her house, shutting it behind her. the street looks so empty considering yoongi isn't there waiting for her. it feels odd.

honestly, y/n feels a bit worried being at school without yoongi since he hasn't gotten sick enough to miss school in so long.

but she wouldn't tell yoongi that, she doesn't like it when he worries about her so much that he stresses himself out. she wants him to know that she'll be okay,

and that it's alright if he isn't
there for her all the time.

y/n walks into the school building,
and makes her way over to her locker.

she opens it up, setting her stuff down to take out the stuff she needs.

"good morning!" y/n resists the urge to sigh at the familiar voice, and instead picks up the stuff to put in her locker.

"hi jimin."

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thank you guys so much for reading!! ♡♡

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