Chapter 1: Lost then Found

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(Y/N)- Your Name
(L/N)- Last Name
(E/C)-Eye Colour
(F/C)- Fav Colour
(S/F/C)- Second Fav Colour
(H/C)- Hair Colour
(H/L)- Hair Length
(More might be added as the Story grows)

||Your P.O.V.||

I was harvesting apples and cherries in the forest when I heard a loud horrid screech followed by a gigantic BOOM! I saw smoke in the direction of Dahakora, I dropped my basket full of fruits and ran as fast as I can to Dahakora. "MOM! DAD! CLAIRE!!"(Claire is your younger sister) I yelled hoping for a response back, but no one... I made it to the village and all I can see was Blood, Death, Fire, and this weird...Portal...  strange men with blood red armour came out and in the portal.

They did this...Didn't they...

I thought to myself with tears striking down my face, one of the men wearing blood red armour and black hair turned around and looked at me. I was scared... Am I gonna die? Who are these strangers? Where does that portal go? Questions are flooding my head like a boat with a hole in it that was in the middle of an ocean. I don't know what to do...  So, I just ran,


I thought to myself as I turned back to the forest and ran in random directions running away from the voices I heard behind me. "I...T-Think... I lost.... Them..." I said to myself between breaths, I searched my pockets for any food, water, anything eatable really... I found my scarf and some coins, but no food. "I FOUND HER!" A man said from behind the trees,


I said in my head as I started sprinting again. I actually lost them at an opening, but I was so tired I just fainted. I heard unfamiliar voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

||Aphmau's P.O.V.||

Dante, Garroth and I were heading back from a trip to the Irene Island so Garroth and I could try to gather more memory about our past. As we arrived we took a walk through the forest then we saw a woman, around the same age as I, she looked tired, pale, scared. "DANTE! GARROTH! HURRY! COME! I FOUND A WOMAN THAT NEEDS HELP!" I yelled as Dante and Garroth stop their conversation and started run towards my direction.

"What? Where? Is she okay?" Dante asks, "Guys, we need to act fast! Hurry let's bring her to Phoenix Drop!" I said as Garroth started carrying her in a bridal style, Dante guarded her and Garroth so no one can attack them while Garroth was holding her, as for I, I sprinted to the gates.

"Alexis! Open up! We have a woman in need! She'll die if we don't help her!" Alexis opened the gate and I explained to her that we found the woman just lying there, "Okay, but for your safety, in case this woman is dangerous I must come as well" Alexis said as we all ran to my striped house.
I get some water and a cloth, then dip the cloth in the water making it wet and put it on the woman's forehead.

~Time Skip~

It's been a few hours when I suddenly hear talking from upstairs, I rush up and see that the woman had waken up.

||Your P.O.V.||

I woke up in a bed with a wet cloth on me, I look around and see a blue haired man and a blonde haired man, dressed in armour I've never seen before. They must be guards...

What am I doing here..?

I thought as they walked up to me, "U-Uhh--Eer--- Where am I-I?" I asked, I was quite shy, "Phoenix Drop" The Blonde man replied, "Phoenix Drop..." I mumbled as I tilted my head in confusion, yet again I never left Dahakora since I've gotten there until now...

"It's a village!" The blue haired man added, "What's going on? Is she awake?" I saw a women with black hair and amber eyes come downstairs.

||Aphmau's P.O.V.||

I honestly don't know why, but this lady... She gave me a familiar feeling... I think she might be connected to...Irene...


EEEE!!! FIRST CHAPTER DONE!!! Are you really related to Irene?!


Later, MUFFINS! ❤️


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