Chapter 25: Fuzzy Sounds and Non-Existing Choices

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(Y/N)- Your Name
(L/N)- Last Name
(E/C)-Eye Colour
(F/C)- Fav Colour
(S/F/C)- Second Fav Colour
(H/C)- Hair Colour
(H/L)- Hair Length
(More might be added as the Story grows)

*Dream Begins*

The ground was rough, I could feel the wind blow against my hair, the sound of crinkled grass flowing through the breeze. I was looking at the sky, gazing at the clouds, everything around me sounded fuzzy, hazy, it was all a blur.

A bright figure came over my head blocking my view of the sky, "H0W 4R3 Y0U?" A male voice that was hard to hear.

"Gr34T!" I spoke, yet again it sounded fuzzy....

"Wake up Princess..~" "What--?" "Wake up~" A voice rang in my head, the ground started shaking and I began to fall, I couldn't scream, I couldn't talk, I was silent, I just kept falling,

~" "What--?" "Wake up~" A voice rang in my head, the ground started shaking and I began to fall, I couldn't scream, I couldn't talk, I was silent, I just kept falling,

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My back sprung up in a flash and I found myself in the room the werewolves put me in, "Princess?" I said confused, I rubbed my eyes to fix my vision.

The person who called me was the Alpha, I don't know his name yet.. But does he know me?

"Good morning darling, now get ready today's a biiiggg day" he smirked, "You... I'M NOT MARRYING YOU! WHY WOULD I?!" I yelled at him as my werewolf ears went down in anger.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME?! HECK! I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!" I stated in full on rage, "The question is... Do you know yourself?" He asked.

What kind of question is that? Of course I know myself! I grew up in O'khasis and then moved to Dahakora... Then it got invaded... By shadow knights... I found my way to Phoenix Drop... I met new friends, and even united with an old one... Garroth, Alexis, Dante... Aphmau.. Aphmau...? APHMAU---!!

I fluttered my eyes in realization, I lost my words, I was confused... What happened?...

"Irene...." I mumbled, "What was that sweetie?" He asked, "Nothing.. I'm---- WAIT! Did you just say 'SWEETIE'?!" At this point my anger was steaming hot, but I was still shocked at what I had just thought.

"Hmm... I'm Ein. You don't need to introduce yourself, Blaze already told me, Y/N." 'Ein' said.

"Well, 'Ein', I don't think I'm the one to marry a... Disgusting man like you..!" I threatened, "Disgusting? Me? The one who saved you?"

"Saved me? What?"

"I gave your memories back."

"Memories... Back...?"

That explains it....

"Now, get ready. The wedding is soon to come princess~" Ein said as he turned around and left the room.

I got up and stretched, "What do I do? I don't want to get married! Ugh! Why does everything happen to me?! Claire... Irene... Please protect those who I still love that are still out there..." I said to myself looking up at the ceiling.

Loud quick steps come up from the other side of the door, someone knocked.

"Lady Y/N? May I come in?" A female's voice said, "LADY... Y/N? And who are you?!" I asked, "Oh! I'm one of the maidens of the castle, I am here to get you prepared for you biiiig day!!!" She squealed.

"Ugh! For the last time! I'm not getting fricken married!!!" I yelled, "Sorry Miss Y/N, buuut.. You have no choice."

The door broke down, "AH!" I screamed, "Here Miss!" She handed me a white dress with floral designs.

...I Have no choice...


;3 Sorry for lack of updates, SCHOOL IS FINALLY OVERRR!!! Nya~!!! YAZZ! Back to updating at least once a week!

Anyways, later muffins!

A Flame In My Heart (MCD Gene x Reader) {{COMPLETE}}Where stories live. Discover now