Chapter 8

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       Elliot closed her eyes, listening to her surroundings, Seth leaned his nose to her hair, sniffing it, then whining

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       Elliot closed her eyes, listening to her surroundings, Seth leaned his nose to her hair, sniffing it, then whining.

Elliot shushed him, trying to listen to the footsteps coming closer, then Edward speaks up "Riley, listen to me. Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you. In fact, she'll be glad she didn't have to deal with you anymore." He says while putting his hands in front of him, preparing for a fight, as Riley walks towards him slowly.

Then Elliot hears more steps "Don't listen Riley. I told you about there mind tricks." Victoria says, Elliot's face turns into confusion, she's heard her voice before, she remembered when she called for her.

"I can read her mind. So I know what she thinks of you." Edward said still looking at Riley "He's lying." She says quickly "She'll only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. That's the only thing she cares about. Not you." Edward says as Riley stops, his face now turns into doubt.

"There's only you. You know that." Victoria says trying to sweet talk Riley. He looks relieved hearing that and begins walking towards Edward and Bella again.

Bella tightened her hold on Edwards arm "Think about it. You're from Forks, you know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you." He says taking a few steps back "Riley, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you." Victoria said with a innocent face.

Riley looks back at Victoria, then looks forward to Edward as he breathes hard "You're dead." He says and just as he was going to attack, Elliot tackled him to the ground, Riley pushed her off as they both stood up, Elliot's eyes glow blue as she growled.

Victoria's face turned into surprise as Riley's turned into shock and horror, Elliot then roared, running and kicking him in the chest as Seth then came out and pounced on him, biting his shoulder.

Victoria turned to run "You won't get a chance like this again." Edward says making her stop "You want her, you want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I tore him to pieces, when I turned him into ash, when I turned him into nothing." He says and Victoria turned her face in anger.

Elliot kept punching Riley as she finally grabbed his arm to twist it when she got distracted by Victoria attacking Edward, Riley saw the chance and put his hand on her throat, cutting her air supply off, as he bumped his head against hers, throwing her against a tree.

Seth stopped as he saw Elliot in pain, and began to whine, Riley then pushed him off throwing him against a rock as he made his way towards Victoria and Edward, getting ready to cut his head off, making Bella panic, grabbing a rock and cutting her arm, letting the blood flow down her arm, making it touch the white snow.

Victoria and Riley snapped there heads towards her, the smell of her blood making them thirsty, Elliot then got up and grabbed Riley throwing him off, and Seth then grabbed on to him again this time ripping off his arm.

Edward then grabbed Victoria by her throat and began to fight, Elliot then grabbed on to Riley's head, Seth grabbing on to his body as they both pulled in opposite directions.

Riley then began to scream for Victoria but she didn't listen, as his head was off his body, turning into marble stone and dropping him in the snow, as Edward at the same time pulled Victoria's head off her own body.

Elliot and Edward gathered them into a pile as Edward took out a lighter, dropping it on them letting the fire start, Elliot walked towards Bella "You okay?" She asked out of breath, as Edward popped up beside her, inspecting her arm carefully as her ripped a piece of her clothing, wrapping it on the wound.

Elliot then turned to Seth, putting her whole body against his wolf form as she snuggled closer "your my new pillow." She mumbled tiredly, he lets out a snort ,his whole body shakes as if he was laughing.


      As all four of them left the snowy mountains and got back to the others, Elliot could see the other pile of bodies burning. The pack turned to see them, and there eyes looked relieved to see them alive, as they began to rub there heads against Elliot's body.

     Elliot smiled happy as well to see them alive, as she looked towards Emmett as he smiled widely, as she got away from the pack running towards him, as they met halfway, she was pulled into him, her head against his chest and his arms around her.

      "I'm glad your okay." She mumbled and Emmett squeezed her tighter, kissing her forehead "I'm glad your okay as well little wolf." He said as he smirked knowing she hated that nickname.

     Elliot pulled away, her eyes glaring, as she growled "you know I don't like that name." She said as she heard the pack snicker, Emmett was about to say something but was cut off by Carlisle's voice "The pack needs to leave. Volturi will know our truce with the werewolves."

      Elliot kisses Emmett'a cheek, pulling away from him and following the pack, as she walks next to Leah, she didn't hear or even see the new born coming, as it grabbed her squeezing her tightly, breaking her ribs.

      She screamed in pain as Leah and the pack pulled the new born off, ripping him to shreds and Elliot laid on the floor, breathing heavily, tears coming running down her cheeks, she saw the pack and the Cullen's, surrounding her, there mouths moved but she couldn't hear them, she was to focused on the pain in her body.

     She felt Emmett's cold hands on her cheeks as his face showed pain, and worry, she began to see black dots, as she finally passed out.


      Elliot woke up in her bed, in Sam's house as she felt a cold hand on hers, she dug her nails on his hand to get his attention "What happened?" She questioned her voice coming out as she haven't talked in a while.

     Emmett sighed in relief, his face turned pained "A new born attacked you, breaking you're ribs. No one saw it coming." He said watching Elliot's reaction as she sighed closing her eyes.

      "I thought I lost you." He whispered but Elliot heard and opened her eyes, looking at him "You were in pain and I couldn't do anything to help and When you passed out, I thought the worst and  all I could think was 'I didn't get to tell her.' " he said kissing her hand.

      "Tell me what?" She asked confused and as Emmett turned to just analyze her face, then his golden eyes met her chocolate brown ones "That I love you." He said and Elliot's eyes widen as the whole world stopped, she stayed silent, the words playing in her head.

     Emmett then began to panic "please say something." He said, his voice cracking, and Elliot just pulled him down as her lips met his, fire and ice met, there tongues fought as they finally pulled away out of breath.

      "I love you too." She said with a smile and he smiled both of them not hearing, the growls of the pack.

So I'm back....I know you guys must be so mad or upset that I didn't update but I have a good explanation.

1. School, I've been struggling with school so much and I had to put all my grades up, so my mom wouldn't be mad at me.
2. My mother, my mother has taken up my phone on multiple occasions for no automatic reason.
3. Friends, my moms been making me go out with friends and trying to make me get a social life.

Anyways I'm back and I hope everyone had a good vacations for thanksgiving and Christmas.

I love you guys so much 💖 , thank you for being patient with me


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