Its a bad day!

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In this Story Stephanie is 5 Jesse is 20 Danny is 29 and Joey is 28 Jessica is 29*
Stephanie:Daddy Can I have a dollar? Danny:What for? Stephanie:To give Uncle Jesse he needs one for the candy machine you bought last year.You never used it yet so he put it up then filled it with candy and it needs a dollar for it he wants to see if it works. Danny:Ok here *Danny gives Stephanie a dollar then Stephanie runs to the upstairs to Jesse's room and shuts the door behind her then passes the dollar to Jesse and then sits on his bed in front of him* Jesse:You think he brought it? ..... Stephanie:Yep! *Jesse looks at the dollar* Jesse:It says something? "Made in America...Fake school money"... Stephanie:Daddy tricked us. Jesse:Well it looks like we don't get the mega water train 2000 the newest yet. Stephanie:Oh well. At least we got each other. Jesse:You got it pal. *They hug* -Later that day- *Stephanie is Sleeping in Jesse's lap and Jesse is Sleeping too then Danny and Joey walks in* Joey:Jess! *Jesse wakes up in shock but carefully so he doesn't wake up Stephanie*! Jesse:What? Danny:Joey and I got big news! Jesse:What. Danny:I'm getting married! Joey:And I'm gonna be ranger Joe and make kids happy and smile and aw! *Jesse puts down Steph.Beside him and stands up* Jesse:Married?! And Congrats my man Joseph! But married?! Oh and congrats again Joseph! But married?! Danny:Yes married. We fell in love dated a couple months now we are getting married. *Stephanie wakes up then stand up and her shirt is wrinkled and you can see her belly button 😂 from sleeping* Stephanie:MARRIED?! To who! Danny:Jessica. Stephanie:Oh not that snob! Danny:Stephanie... *Jessica walks in wearing a crop top and shorts she has blonde hair weighs 80 pounds and has blue eyes* Jessica:Hey soon to be husband,Hey Jesse,Hey Joey and ....Hey little blondie. *Stephanie gives her a dirty look and sticks out her tung at her then puts it away* Jessica:You know we can see your belly button. Stephanie:So we can see yours. *Stephanie said while pulling down her shirt* Jessica:Well I'm older silly! *Stephanie whispers under her breath "I'm the silly one oh please."* Jessica:What was that? Stephanie:None ya. Jessica:None ya? Stephanie:None ya bees waxz! *Stephanie turn around and goes upstairs* -5 hours later- *Everyone is ready to start the wedding* Jessica:It can start now! *Stephanie songs plays then she doesn't smile and walks and throws flowers down the ale then walks to the girl side and she's the only girl then Jessica's and Danny's song come on then Jessica walks down the ale and meets Danny* Guy:Ok Danny Tanner  if you do take Jessica Smith as lovely wedded wife say I do there is no take backs. Danny:I *Danny looks at the guys and Stephanie* I do. Guy:Ok! Jessica Smile if you do take Danny Tanner as your handsome wedded husband say I do there is no take backs. Jessica:I do. Guy:Great! Now you may kiss the bride and groom! *They kiss* *Then Stephanie looks away in a disgusted look then Jesse and Joey hug* Stephanie:Grandpa Save me from the kissing! *Stephanie runs to nick Jesse's dad and hugs him* Nick:Haha don't like kissing huh? Lol. Stephanie:No I don't like the wedding. Nick:Awe why not bug? Stephanie:Jessica is mean to me but they won't listen. Nick:Soon she will like you and be nice to you. Your pretty,Smart and so adorable!  Plus your 5 years old there's lots of time she can fit in so she can be nice to you! Right Charlene! (Jesse's mom) Charlene:Right and if she doesn't your welcome to visit or call us anytime! Nick:Yeah! Stephanie:Thanks Grandma and Grandpa! Nick,Charlene:Your welcome. Jesse:You turn to go up Steph! *Stephanie runs up on the stage* Stephanie:Ok my favourite thing about my daddy and Jessica getting married is........Um.....I won't be the only girl in the house anymore goodbye! *Stephanie walks off the stage and goes to get punch then Jesse walks over to Stephanie* Jesse:Hey bud. *Nick and Charlene watches and listens to Jesse talk to Stephanie because they know it will be good* Stephanie:Hey... -3 seconds later in silence- Jesse:You ok? Your quite tonight that's for sure. Stephanie:Yeah I'm fine. Jesse:You sure? You can tell me anything that's bothering you or making you upset. Stephanie:Yeah I'm sure. Jesse:Ok see ya when they cut the cake. *Jesse walks over to Joey the Stephanie turns around then Nick and Charlene quickly turn around* Stephanie:Grandpa Grandma don't do that again love ya *Stephanie walks over to "The Tanner Family" table and sits down with a tray of food with brownies,cupcakes, chocolate bars,lollipops,jelly beans and a cream soda soda then Stephanie eats a brownie and sees everyone dancing and having a good time* Stephanie:They are having a good time but I'm not... -after the wedding- Jesse:WOW! That was fun! Right Joey! Joey:Right Jesse! Jesse:Yeah! Right Steph! Stephanie:Yep.... Jesse:All right that's the spirit! Time for bed for.... Joey:Steph-an-ieeeeeeeee!!!!! Jesse:You dad will be back in a week ok. Stephanie:Ok. *Stephanie goes to bed then Jesse and Joey falls to the floor and goes to Sleep.*
-one week later-

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