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*Stephanie comes downstairs with a grey crop top that shows her belly button(every time she wears one it shows her belly button) with the word Uncles Little Princess in pink on it with black shorts and running shoes on*  Joey:Stephanie again... Stephanie:I'm in love with these when I go outside it's windy and hot the breeze flows through my hair and this shirt and it makes me cool down. *Joey whispers in Jesse's ear "Soon she's gonna be wearing one that looks like a bra when she's older dang it."* Jesse:True that. Stephanie:Oh yeah this one is pretty cute! I'll wear it tomorrow. Jesse:5 years old already sounding like a 13 year old. Stephanie:Sorry I love crop tops!! *Jessica and Danny comes in kissing* Stephanie:Yuck! Kid in the room! *They stop kissing and they look at Stephanie* Jessica:Hey we know your thin , 30 pounds and a half innie and half outie but don't need show off. Stephanie:Either do you mhm. *Jessica opens a beer then takes a sip* Jessica:Well look who is Miss Sassy today. Stephanie:And look who's drinking again today huh! *Jessica raises her eyebrows then throws it out* Jessica:I only take a sip a day. Stephanie:I think I just died inside now I feel sad and weak because that is just sad and still bad for you *Stephanie lays on the ground* Joey:I like how we are just sitting her watching them fight. *Jesse lightly kicks Stephanie's foot* Jesse:Hey uncles little princess get up. *Stephanie gets up* Jessica:Its not bad for you. Stephanie:Yes it is If you drink beer everyday even if it just a sip you lose brain cells then soon your gonna end up with brain damage. I'm smart see. Jessica:Okay... *Jessica grabs a smoke* Stephanie:Smoking can give you cancer. Jessica:I know that that's why I'm trying to quit Stephanie:Well you ain't trying hard enough... *Stephanie go upstairs to her room* Stephanie:Mommy today has been well pretty tough. *Jesse over hears walking to his room then stands outside the door* Stephanie:Like I mean Jessica *Stephanie does a cartwheel* She's pretty stubborn but I gotta deal with it. Pam:I know sweetie it's tough- Stephanie:Huge amount of tough. Pam:A huge amount of tough but she'll be nice to you one day. Stephanie:That's what grandpa Nick said. Pam:Cuz he's right.Give them a call or visit there. Stephanie:Or run away again! Pam:No not that. Stephanie:I know I'm kidding. Pam:Oh by the way Jesse is watching you. Stephanie:Hey Uncle Jesse! *Stephanie turns around then Jesse walks in* Jesse:How did you know I was here? Stephanie:You won't believe me you think it's fake all fake! Or should I say my "imagination" Jesse:The mom can talk to you thing *Stephanie nods* Sorry but I hear a lot of kids these days have a powerful imagination. Stephanie:Grandma and Grandpa believes me they said I have a gift. Jesse:They only said that because your their grandchild and they don't want to hurt your feelings Stephanie:Maybe maybe... *Stephanie dials Jesse's dad and mom and puts them on speaker* -On the phone- Charlene:Hello? Stephanie:Hi grandma! Charlene:Oh hi my sweet grand baby! How are you? Stephanie:Great! *Jesse walks over to Stephanie's bed and sits down* Charlene:How's the family? Stephanie:Ugh. Charlene:Oh ugh why? Stephanie:Because Jessica came home. Charlene:Yeah I don't like her either Nick:Charlene where'd my bathing suit go!!! Charlene:Go to go love ya call me later! Stephanie:Love ya too bye! *Stephanie hangs up* Stephanie:I love you Uncle Jesse! Jesse:I love you too! *Stephanie feels a shock in her heart and a Big Bang in her forehead then she passes out then Jesse runs to her* Jesse:Oh my god! Stephanie! Steph! Can you hear me! Steph!! STEPH!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!!! Joey:What's going on up there Danny:I think it's a hearing test. Jesse:Stephanie please wake up! *Stephanie slowly opens her eyes and she's weak* Jesse:Are you ok?! Say something! Say something! *Stephanie couldn't hear him* Jesse:STEPH SAY SOMETHING!!! *Stephanie could finally hear him but she talked so weak* Stephanie:I feel so weak.... *Her face is body turned white her hair turn into a lighter blonde and her lips turned purple and she gets up and struggles to walk*
To be continued....

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