Killer of the Dead and Living

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The black clad Shido seemed to be shaken under the multiple glares.

"Theres no way were helping you Shido!" Takashi spoke venom dripping off his words. But then a student spoke up which cause everyone to go silent.

"THEN JUST HELP US!" And everyone was awe struck except me a smirk just spread its way across my face and my eyes were still closed to slits.

"Ok the, Takagi the bag." After I said this Takagi walked over and sat the bag on the hood of the car with a pissed of look on her face. Slowly I opened the bag revealing my personal armory of pistols, rifles, and ammo. Digging through the bag I pulled out two pistol and a semi-auto rifle placing them on the hood of the car with two extra magzines of ammo.

"Ok listen up im only gonna brief you once on how to use these." I spoke chuckling to my self as I went through checking the ammo of the guns. But I suddenly felt a threating presence charge at, my only reaction was to draw my combat knife and strike so thats what I did. I could here the blade sink into the body with a sickening sound that I was all to used to. Just bearly looking to the side I noticed Shido hanging limply my combat knife pressed clean through his neck, a very pretty red sliding down the blade and dripping from the hilt gaurd.

"Such a waste, how could such beautiful blood belong to such an ugly person!" I spoke raising my foot and kicking the limp body away pulling the knife from his neck. I could feel the looks of all the students that were with him hitting my back. But my group has already been through dealt with the violent me so they dont habe much to worry.

"Take the three guns and leave, or stay and die sooner or later." I said closing the bag and passing it back to Takagi. The small group of students picked up their guns and quickly rushed away without looking for a second.

"Wish the blood from my first kill was this beautiful." I spoke in my normal tone and my eyes opening up to normal.

"Thanks." I heard Rei comment to me, I turned to her with a confused look playing across my face.

"You did the one thing we didnt have the guts to do." Takashi answer my unasked question.

"Yeah well lets just get out of here."  I said wiping the the blood from my knife and putting it back in its sheath.

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