Dont Forget

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Your woke up and went down stairs to your loving boyfriend Harry,who was making breakfast,'that must be for me you thought'.Today was Harry and yours one year anniversary."Goodmorning  Harry"you said,"oh goodmorning y/n" Harry spoke like it was nothing special,"so...what do you want to do today,do you have something special in mind?"You asked curious,"Nope!"Harry said popping the p,"OK THEN!"You screamed and ran up to your room."I cant belive he forgot!"you said to yourself .
                         **The next day**           

Harry woke up and went to grab you but you weren't there, infact you were no where to be found,you weren't outside,in the shower,or in the kithchen nowhere.Harry started to worry about you,so he decided to call you,but you didn't anwser your phone,when you didn't anwser,harry worried and started to panic,but then the front door opened "y/n where have you been,I was worried sick about  you,"I just went over to y/f/n's house,geez calm down" you said still made from yesterday"you could have called or left me a note" Harry spoke still concerned,"what do you care?"You dont care if i get hurt!"You sreamed,"what is WRONG WITH YOU!"Harry screamed back,"yesterday YOU FORGOT something IMPORTANT!"You said while crying,"y/n what could i have forgotten that was so IMPORTANT!"Harry sreamed once again,"our anniversary"you said in a quit vocie,"WHAT!"Harry screamed,"YOU FORGOT OUR ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!"you screamed so he could hear you.Harrys face droppedas realized he forgot the most important thing.  
                             **Night time**      
You went bed you in the room,Harry on the couch.'How could i have forgotten our one year anniversary' harry thought to himself.Harry wanred to make things right,so he stayed up all night and daecorated everything he could.
                           **The next day**
You woke up to the smell of food,you were to tired to get up so you stayed in ded and got on twitter.Harry came in with a breakfast table and said "HARRY ANNIVERSARY!","What are you doing?" You asked" reducing  our anniversary"Harry spoke,"why",because i fill bad",Harry said,"well im still mad","and you have every right to be,but just know im sorry and love you."With that Harry came walked out of the room,"Harry wait"you said,"its..ok...I forgive you,i love you"you said,"i love you more!"

Im sorry for any mistakes,this is my first imagine.I hope you enjoy,i also might do some other images.Enjoy😀


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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