Chapter 1

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Bathed in the light pouring from behind me I could make out the bruises around her neck and face, her eyes were bloodshot and bright with tears. She'd lost the pudge I had last seen on her body and she'd lost the innocence in her eyes.

"Alex..?" She croaked out soft and hoarse. The same tone a smoker used after awhile... Everything was silent until I moved to let her pass, floors creaking softly. Whatever happened must have been bad if it'd sent her my way. Gods it'd been years since I last saw her, she'd let her pale hair grow long.

"I couldn't go to anyone else, he, Charlie, knew all my friends. I just..." her words died off as a fresh wave of tears fell down her rubbed raw cheeks, "Please help."

"You've got yourself into some high class shit didn't you?" I sighed after a tense beat of silence.

"Your southern twang came back." she mumbled in what I could only assume was awe.

"It'll do that when you're forced to live down south with your foster parents. What in fuck's sake did you do?"

"You think this was intentional!?"

"I ain't saying that, Andi. But I'm not stupid enough to think that I'm not your last resort after protective services failed you."

"How did you..? Never mind that. It's a long story-,"

"Then start talking." I cut her off before sitting her down on the kitchen barstool. Fishing out my first aid kit from behind my cleaning supplies under the sink I gave her an expectant look. Now was not the time to play coy or, gods be damned, shy.

"Charlie and I met back in college... He was a sweet guy, but after we started dating he'd started getting protective.  At first it was little things like wanting to know where I was when I was gone for more than two hours and I thought it was sweet that he was so concerned... Then it got to the point he had to know who I was with and where I was going at all times... I didn't think much of it. Guess that was my first mistake. The first time he'd laid hands on me I'd been at the movies with Richard and Karl, he was jealous that I'd been with two men without him there to supervise. He'd apologized right after, bought me roses and chocolates, said he'd never do it again. I believed him. Ow that stings!"

"Sorry." I replied flatly as I dabbed some medicine on a few of her cuts. "So lemme guess, he kept it up?"


"What finally made you leave the bastard?"

"He chucked me out the window and I called the medics. Played it off like I tripped and crashed through the window. Eventually I called protective services, there wasn't much I could do besides file a restraining order... He walked right through it."

"Then you came and found me." I concluded receiving a nod in reply.

"What was this Charlie guy's full name?"

"Charlie Bandicut Durtur. Why?"

"Oh shit. Did you say Durtur? As in D-U-T-U Durtur?"

"Yes, why-?"

"Oh fuck. I need to call someone. Can you put some of this ointment on those bruises?" I asked hurriedly. She gave me a confused nod and I immediatly left the kitchen picking up the landline reciever and dialing a familiar number on autopilot.

"Do you even know what time it is Frauline?"

"Yeah, get your ass up I'm in trouble with the fucking mafia time."

"What the fuck did you do this time?"

"I'm harboring an old aquantance that happened to have unwittingly gone on the run from fucking Charlie 'Bang' Dutur."

"How the f-,"

"She used to be his moll."

"Oh you've got to be shitting me."

"You know damn good and well I don't joke about that type of stuff."

"Tell her y'all are going on a road trip. I've got a safehouse you two can lay low in."

"What about you?"

"I'll be right behind you two. Just need to call in a few favors. Try not to get killed in the meantime."

"No promises." I replied as the line went dead. Marching back into the kitchen I snatched a trashbag before going into my room and shoving clothes into it. I wasn't about to leave anything behind that they could use to find us. If I returned here I fully expected the place to be nothing but charred rubble.

"What are you doing?" Andi asked from the doorway.



"So we can haul ass, why do you think?"

"What- why?"

"Now is not the time for twenty-one questions!" Tossing her the keys to my van I returned to putting away pictures and books. "Start the car out back and put whatever you brought with you inside."

"Al...right." she hummed hesitantly before leaving. With another curse I picked up the bags that held my own meager possessions and tossed them in the back. Kenneth better be right about the safehouse actually being safe.

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