Chapter 2

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Andi didn't ask questions when it came down to it and we'd made progress in miles of tense silence. I supposed she was wondering where I was going and why I was going through such lengths to ensure her safety. Or if she was remembering why I was doing this...

The air was heavy with summer heat and I walked alongside Andi as we left the graveyard.

"Hey Andi?" I tried to catch her attention with a soft voice. She hummed to let me know she was listening.

"No matter what happens, I'll look after you okay?"

"Even if we ain't friends anymore?"

"I don't think that'd ever happen, but especially then."


"Cause then you'd really need it. We're sisters, it's what we're supposed to do."

"Okay." she said with a smile. I grinned back with all the faith our friendship would last until the day we died.

The horizon began to turn grey with the light of the rising sun and I decided to try a back road. Charlie 'Bang' was thorough in the way he used bullets and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sniper looking to put a bullet through both our heads. Andi had fallen asleep at some point and even though I could feel a yawn trying to force its way out I ignored it and put a little more pedal to the metal. The text message I expected Kenneth to send vibrated against my thigh scaring the hell out of me. Pulling over I picked up my phone.

You at the Neutral yet?

Yeah, what now?

Go to the sight of the wreck and take the nearest back road. follow that and you should be fine.

Taking a deep breath I slipped the phone into my shirt and made a sharp U-turn. Out of all the places around the sight of that wreck I knew how Kenneth worked. Taking a left from the crash I knew exactly which place I'd end up at. Jamie probably already knew we were heading his way, hopefully he wouldn't mind us taking up residence. The old plantation loomed silently in the  somber whites and blues I remembered and Jamie sat on the porch in a white wicker rocking chair a glass of lemonade in hand. He smiled the minute he saw my car and set his glass next to the pitcher on the porch railing. Killing the engine I slipped out of the drivers side and swept him into a hug.

"How are you?" I asked quietly

"I'm getting better. Thanks for hooking me up with that therapist and tattoo artist... It... helps."

"I'm not gonna say I understand your pain, we both know that's a lie, but if you need anything I'm here."

"I know, thank you. Kenneth has helped me quite a bit as well. As far as my files say, I'm a blank instead of a broken clock."

"You're more than a broken clock or a blank." I mumbled into his shoulder. The only response I received was his hand tightening on my upper arm. It would take a long time to get him to actually believe his own worth but I had faith in Kenneth that he'd try his damnedest. We worked together to get everything inside and set up before Andi woke up and I carried her to her new room slipping her boots off and tucking her under the covers. Jamie was back to sipping his lemonade but there was a cup filled with ice and cherry coke waiting for me.

"He hurt her didn't he?"

"More than she's letting on."

"Was he her soulmate?"


"How do you know?"

"Both of us would be well into our thirties if that was the case."

"She has the same mark as you?"

"Something like that."

"What's the difference?"

"She isn't afraid of death."

"Alex, one of these days you need to come to terms with this."

"I am afraid and I except that but,please, don't try to give me the same speech."

"I won't but I at least hope you'll give love a chance. Cher hurt you but the longer you try to run from the same love you gave her the longer you let her hurt you. Bless her heart, she lied 'til she was blue in the lips and cheated 'til she was red in the cheeks."

"Memories cut like knives, I won't ever forget the trash she dragged me through but I am still trying to get make better memories."

"I know. I'm proud of you..." he said with a smile. Shaking my head I bit back a grin of my own.

"C'mon, this has been one hell of a heavy morning. I say lets deck the halls so we can laugh at their possible attempts at breaking in."

"I always loved hiding weapons in unlikely places. Can't bend Heaven? Raise Hell!"

We grinned at each other before going inside. I wondered if Andi would wake up anytime soon to witness our version of Easter egg hiding. Jamie picked up the habit from the first time Kenneth made Jamie's childhood home his go-to safe house. If I didn't know Jamie as well as I did I'd think that it was purely accidental that he put the weapons in spots that would make Kenneth's muscles flex reaching for them or make his shirt ride up enough to expose a sliver of tanned skin. Unfortunately I did know Jamie pretty damn well and I made sure to give him a knowing shit eating grin every time he so much as glanced in my general direction. By the time we were done and I'd drank an unholy cocktail of any energy drink I could find and a mug of coffee he was beet red and I was pumped and wide awake.

"Feels like finals all over again." I laughed causing him to snort.

"You mean the screaming vortex of pain?"

We stared at each other seriously before our lips started to twitch and we burst into loud laughter. Every time we glanced at each other we just started laughing harder.

"What are y'all laughing about?" came the shout from the front door. Jamie spluttered before jumping up and full body tackle hugging Kenneth. With strength that I couldn't help but be jealous of, Kenneth adjusted Jamie to have his legs wrapped around his hips before hugging him back with a large grin.

"Finals." Jamie stated after he'd pulled away slightly. Kenneth's lips pulled back in a sneer but his eyes gave us both confused and slightly concerned looks.

The sight was enough to send us laughing hysterically again.

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