Warning: This story has Narry bromance in it. Yep, that's what I said, or typed...anyways, ENJOY :D
"LALALAALLALALAALALLAALALLLALALALALALALALALAALALALALALALALALA" Niall sang at the top of his lungs to block out Liam and Louis' voices. "NIALL. SHUT UP WE'RE TRYING TO HELP YOU" Louis called -obviously irritated the HE wouldn't listen to him- and swung the door shut behind him as he walked out of the room.
"Is he still-?"
"Yep." Louis said bluntly, and so obviously done with Niall's shit.
"Yep. Figures, let me try-" Liam started before Harry cut him off "what's he doing?"
"Take a look"
Harry walked in the bedroom to see Niall jumping really high on the bed. Probably about to break it. "NIALL STOP BEFORE I HAVE TO COME BACK IN THERE" Louis screamed in the most utterly stinging voice possible. It hurt Niall's ears listening to it so he stopped mid jump and tumbled off the bed.
"NIIAAALLLLLLLLL" Harry screamed while practically about to have a panic attack "N-NIALL PLEASE BE FUCKING OKAY!!" He continued as Liam dragged Louis in the room "would you like to apologize?" Harry scolded Louis. "Y-yeah............I'm sorry Niall. I shouldn't have been so hard in you" Louis winked. "You mean on?" Harry's face puzzled "no. I mean in" he winked again
"Well this isn't time for jokes now get your scrunched up wrinkly piece of fifth skin in you're god damned car and get him to the hospital before I knock you out." Harry stated coldly.
"Alright, he's good to go. Just a lack of blood but it's been restored!" The bouncy nursed jumped up and down at the good news. Seems like she was more exited then the boys that he was okay. "Skiiiirts." Harry stared at the poor girls ass. And she hadn't even noticed "wattywatty i gotta go boys, see ya some time" and with that she hopped out of the room. Yes, she hopped. Like a bunny. But they thought it was cute.
"LA, LALA, LALALA LALA" she sang while skipping through the halls to her next patient. Her voice sounded pretty.
"Alright bud, want to head to nan-"
"WOOOOOHHOOOWOOWOOOWOOWOOOWOOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOOWOWOWOOOOOOO" Liam walked into the bedroom only to find Niall jumping on the messy bed. "Niall stop it, get off before Louis sees and makes you fall again" Liam whisper shouted. "S'Kay limalima he'll never know"
"I won't, won't I?"
Louis put his hands on his hips sassily
"Won't you won't want to won't will not want to see what you won't know"
"Harry what even?" Niall asked still jumping on the bed. "Just get off!" Louis retorted "yeah, Niall what if you hurt yourself again?" Liam asked horridly sounding. He did not want Niall to get hurt....AGAIN!
"I won't I won't lads!" Niall smiled brightly while jumping higher and higher each time.
"Niall! It's all about the WHAT IF!"
"What if what? What if I jump so high I grow wings and poop on you like a seagul? I'm not passing up on that offer!" Niall grinned evilly and Louis climbed on the bed to drag him down. "NOBODY CAN DRAG MMEEE DOWN. NO. NO LOUIS GET AWAY!!" Niall screeched as he hit the ceiling fan.
"NIIAALLLL!" Harry screamed in worry as he jumped over the bed to catch him.
"He's unconscious again...." Louis started to sniffle "it's all my fault"
"You were just trying to help, love.." Harry comforted him. "He'll be alright.....I think. Oh dear lord bring MERCY!" Liam cried and kneeled on the floor.
"Is he awake? It's been over an hour!" Louis called
"It's been twenty minutes Louis." Liam glared "great things take time" Harry added as the nurse came out of the room. A..well...larger and well shaped lady this time. "He's still asleep." She said without emotion as the boys put their hands over their faces
"No. actually, I'm awake. Unless I'm dreaming that I'm awake. Unless I'm awake in a daydream dreaming that I woke up in here."
"NIALL" Harry ran over and hugged him immediately.
"Uhm" The nurse cleared her throat.
"He lost a lot of blood.....we weren't able to replace it all" she frowned and made a pouty face "he'll have to stay calm and away from danger for a while"
"No problemo, babe. I gotchu" Louis winked and she shook her head disapprovingly.
"Hey boys, is he asleep back there?" Liam asked half ass turning around. Being Niall was the only one awake back there he just made his voice all deep and said "yeah. So is Louis"
"Oh thanks Harry"
"What?" Harry sat up at the mention of his name
"hi!" Niall squirted out some water and giggled.
"Go to bloody sleep already!"
"Okay. Good night Loubyloub"
"don't call me that!"
"Okay Loubyloub"
"Stop that!"
Niall laid his head down on Harry's shoulder and dozed off to sleep as they arrived at home. "Wakey wakey!"
"Shut up Loubyloub"
"I'm sorry Ni"
"It's okay"
"Good" Liam interrupted as they were at the door.
"Alright lads lets go to be-" Liam stopped as he heard creaking from behind the bedroom door.
Niall stared at all of the boys as the walked in one by one moving their eyes up and down along with his body movements. He was jumping. On the bed. Again.
The boys walked back out of the room and went to sleep on the couch. Without any regrets Niall smiled fondly and sat down on the floor and started writing.
Thanx 4 readin lads, and sorry for not updating in FOREVER, but yeah I hoped you liked it. I noticed this one isn't as short as I though it would be. Which is a good thing. Probably. Anyways

1D Imagines AND One Shots
FanfictionJbsnbhhahhhaghaghagyaghaisjsjkhsjjs I'm GR8 This is a description