The Title of this chapter is an acronym. It stands for I Have No Idea What To Name This.
So, this IS a chapter but first! I have to apologize for not updating this and my other book The Paps lately, and currently I've been having to memorize the Star Spngked Banner and I've started Biology, so life is slow right now. Anywaaayys, we all know y'all came here for the book sooo LETS GET TO IT FAM
"Hey, could you not sit with me and Zayn tomorrow? It was his first time meeting you and he doesn't like how loud and obnoxious you two are"
"Hey guyys" Niall walked up to to Liam, Harry, and his boyfriend who he hadn't met, Zayn. "HELLO HELLO" Louis tried to say with food in his mouth. But it sounded more like 'helwu helwu" and he had his arms spread in the air for a dramatic entrance, he's good at those. It was early in the morning at the cafeteria so you'd assume Louis would be eating his breakfast in peace by himself, he isn't the morning person. But he just wanted to talk to someone for once. "HI!" Liam chirped obviously exited to see them. "Oooohh hey Niall and hi Louis" Harry shyly I traduced us to Zayn. Wait, what? Harry is never shy. "Mhm, mhm, mhm, mhm!" Louis was off in his own world again. And Niall was just slamming slightly on the table "You call this food? HOW mates? If I were food I would know how to taste!" He shouted sending Louis out of his state of grace (T.S reference btw) "LETS GO!" Louis shouted like an announcer as they marched out like they were in the army.
*end of flashback*
Harry continues ranting while Louis just thinking about....probably rainbows, and Niall's visually playing through the flashback drooling about how much food he had that day. Oh Niall. Louis nudges Niall and tells him what Harry had just said "well I'm sorry we like to be ourselves!" Louis spits out while Niall stands there for like ten seconds thinking about what he was going to say "Whoops, like we embarrassed this poor, poor, very poor, little old man." Niall says still thinking about it. "Yeah, yeah that's my comeback. We done here Louis?" Niall and Louis frantically rush out swinging their -well, Niall's- fragile little hands everywhere as Louis just swings his up and down with a red face and practically yelling about everything.
Sorry this was so short, but it was kind of meant to be, being the plot is Niall and Louis storming off. Sorry, and thanx

1D Imagines AND One Shots
FanfictionJbsnbhhahhhaghaghagyaghaisjsjkhsjjs I'm GR8 This is a description