meet the fam

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"WAKE UP GIRLS... TEESH? BRI?" Mia yells upstairs to her daughters, with no response. "Honey?" she attempts to catch Jakob's attention. He looks up from his newspaper.

"Yeah babe?" He asks her. "What is it?"

"Can you please go upstairs and wake the girls up? They'll be late for school." Mia tells him. Jakob gets up from the table and runs up the stairs. He goes into Bri's room first. The walls are a light shade of teal and it is styled like a beach shack. Bri is sleeping heavily as per usual. Her strawberry blonde hair is splayed across her pillow. Jakob walks over to her bed and kisses her cheek lightly.

"Good morning Bri," He whispers to her. "Time to wake up now and get ready for school," Bri begins to stir gently.

"Good morning tata," She says, Bri often calls Jakob tata, this is because it's Argentinian and Jakob comes from an Argentinian background. Her voice sounds sleepy as she continues to wake up. Jakob leaves and walks into Teesh's bedroom. He again, kisses her on the cheek. Teesh giggles.

"PRANKED YOU, I'M NOT ASLEEP AHAHAHAHA" She says. Jakob smiles cheekily.

"You cheeky little monkey," Jakob says, a smirk on his face. "Get ready for school now," He tells her.

"Yes Dad," Teesh replies as Jakob walks back downstairs. Mia has finished cooking breakfast and there are four plates laid out on the table with two pieces of bacon, one piece of buttered toast and one egg on each.

"Looks delicious Mi," He says as he kisses her on the cheek. Mia smiles at him as he sits down and begins to eat. Mia and Jakob are soon joined by their two children, Bri and Teesh. They're both dressed in their school uniforms, which consists of a white blouse, a green material skirt and a blue button on tie. Teesh has already tied her hair into a ponytail, but Bri because she's only 10, still doesn't know how to do her own hair.

"Can you braid my hair Mummy?" she asks Mia.

"Sure gorgeous," Mia replies. "Just sit down at the table and eat your breakfast while I braid your hair. Bri nods and sits down at her breakfast plate. Mia braids Bri's thick blonde hair into pigtail braids, and once finished, she sits down at her own plate and continues to eat breakfast. Jakob finishes first and stands up from the table.

"Okay guys, I better get going to work," He tells them.

"See you honey," Mia says. Jakob gives her a quick peck on the cheek and hugs both the girls.

"You two be good for Mum," he tells them.

"We will!!!" They both chorus back. Jakob walks out the door, he checks his suit in the mirror on the way out and runs a hand through his hair. On the way out he runs into Ethan, his little 12 year old nephew who lives next door.

"Hi Uncle Jakob!" Ethan says, a smile on his tanned little face.

"Hey Ethan," Jakob replies. "What are you doing?"

"Dad sent me over to get some eggs," Ethan tells him. "My parents haven't really organised any breakfast," He says.

"Oh Chris," Jakob sighs. "I'll catch you around Etho," he says as he ruffles Ethan's caramel coloured brown-ish hair. Jakob gets into the car to go to work and Ethan runs inside.

"Hey Aunty Mia," Ethan greets her.

"Oh hey Etho," Mia replies. "What do you need?" She asks him.

"Just about four eggs," He tells her. " Mum and Dad haven't organised anything for breakfast and I'm absolutely starving!" He exclaims. Mia rolls her eyes, laughing, of course they havent, as she hands Ethan a cut-off part of the egg carton which contains four eggs.

"There you go Eth, be careful with them!" She warns him.

"Yep, of course Aunty Mi," Ethan replies as he runs out the door and back home.

"I got the eggs!" Ethan calls to his Dad.

"Perfect, bring them in here mate," His Dad Chris replies. Ethan walks into the kitchen to see his little sister Tannah ready for school. Ethan hands the eggs to Chris who has just heated up the stove top. "You better get your school uniform on now buddy, can't be late for school. If I don't get you ready, your Mum will have my head," Chris says.

"I don't know if I'd go that far Christopher," Kaia says as she walks into the room. Chris smiles at her as she walks in and plants a kiss on his lips.

"Well, that's reassuring," He jokes. Ethan rolls his eyes, partially disgusted at seeing his parents kiss, but they do it all the time so in theory it really shouldn't bother him anymore.

"I better go get... uh... ready for school," Ethan says as he slowly backs out of the kitchen. Kaia and Chris laugh as their lips meet again. Their kissing is interrupted when they get a phone call. Kaia picks up the phone.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hi Kaia, it's Mum." Bri replies.

"And Dad!" You can hear Alex in the background.

"Hey guys!" Kaia says. "Why'd you call?" She asks.

"Just wanted to check in," Bri tells her. "How's my little Etho going?"

"He's good," Kaia tells her.

"Hi Nanny Bri!" Ethan's voice rattles through the phone line.

"Ethan what are you doing?" Kaia laughs.

"Well I heard you talking and I decided that the conversation needed me. Because I'm funny and I tell the best jokes," he says.

"Is that so?" Bri asks Ethan.

"Yep!" Ethan confirms. "Knock knock," he begins.

"Who's there?" Kaia and Bri ask him.

"Interrupting cow," he says.

"Interrupting co-"

"MOOOOOOO" Ethan yells. He cracks up into a fit of laughter as Bri and Kaia both sigh.

"Go get ready for school Ethan," Kaia says laughing.

"See you Nanny Bri," Ethan says. "Love you!!"

"Love you too Etho!" She replies as he hangs up the phone.

"I'll see you later Kaia," Bri says.

"See you Mum, say bye to Dad for me." Kaia replies.

Hey guys! My name's Bri, and I own @/ on instagram
I will be updating this story every Friday alongside Kaia, Teesh, Mia, Bree, Bianca and Tannah.
Please comment what you like/dislike and don't forget to vote!
See u next Friday :)

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