Dont Mess With Innocent People. (Jeff the Killer) (Fanfiction)

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Let's start at the very beginning of my special "story" shall we?

It was about 10 years ago, people used to make fun of me, called me "Nerdy Ugly Jeff". That's what

stupid people refer to scholar students. I was abused in school, I lacked strength in confidence and

the reason why people hurt me is because I'm too caring. At least that's what they thought....

All this abuse and misery lead me huge depression, I didn't eat, I was only with myself. Thoughts of

what the other kids said swirl around my head





I couldn't handle all these thoughts anymore, everyone was right, I'm worthless, I didn't deserve to

live. The pain was shooting through my mind. I furiously began to think of a way to end this all. It

was obvious there was only one possible way.

I hesitated. I was asking my self whether I'm making the right decision or not. Well there was only

one way, and this was the right time. I looked around my surroundings. The cliff edge is my most

favorite place on Earth. I remember the days when me and my brother Louis played and it held all

my happy moments. This place was also gonna hold my death place too.

I carefully climbed over the electric fences on the corner of the cliff. There was a wood ledge and I

climbed over it across the fence. I started to count, shivering against the cold breezy air, until

something caught my attention.

It was a dead squirrel, it is a fresh corpse. It was stuck between the electric fences. I bent down.

I touched the blood oozing out of the squirrel's limbs. At that moments a feeling replaced my

sanity. Touching the blood gave me a feeling, a feeling I have never felt before.

I loved it.

I took a thorn branch and pulled the tiny corpse apart. More blood flowed out. Excitement

pumped through my veins. It was amazing. It felt wonderful staring at the lifeless eyes of the

tiny creature.

I started laughing the way a mad person would have.

If anyone saw me they would have called the police, since it was not normal for a seven year old

to be enjoying Death.

Death, that shall be my new favorite word.

I forgot I was on the edge of a cliff, so I climbed back to the safe side.

I was completely wrong, there is another way to get rid of pain and misery.

And it sounds so good.



It has been five years ever since my first "discovery". I started to hunt. I was a hungry predator

and I kept wanting more. For the past six years I stole my neighbors precious prized pets. I loved

the way how life and light drain away from their eyes. I love the way how they helplessly whine for

anyone to hear, the fun part of that is, no one is there to hear them. I love the way how they

struggle to escape. Of course I don't drug them, where is the fun in killing them? I don't do my

work in the house of course, my parents would find put, so instead I do it near the cliff edge. The

feelings pump through my beings with my adrenaline. I absolutely loved it.

I hid the squirrel body in my sealed box, I know, it's not normal, but then again, I am not either.

I spend all my savings on blades and knives and acid of every kind, of course I tell my parents

I'm buying "sweets and candy" like a normal 12 year old would. But the hard part of this is

that the annoying nosey shop keepers ask what a 12 year old does with them, so I learnt the art of

disguise and acting. It also helps me in my "job". The police go around the neighbor hood asking

about the missing pets. They actually believe I'm innocent. Haha.


It was my 13th birthday, my mother invited all kids in the neighbor hood, including the major

bullies who targeted me. Bill and Thomas. When I gave them the invitation, I had to use all my self

control to not murder them right at the spot. I wanted to take my little game to another level, but I

had to have a careful plan.

"We'll be there, let's hope the cake will not be as ugly as the you, twirp" they said

I turned around, fantasizing how it would be if I'm the cause for their life end, if I'm the one who

takes away the light from their eyes. That moment felt so real, I could almost smell their blood

pouring out of their fresh corpse. I am going to make it all into reality....soon.

Dont Mess With Innocent People. (Jeff the Killer) (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now