Chapter 7

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Sorry for the long wait...i was going to upload sooner but i was too lazy to type

But anywhoo...ENJOYYY!!!


How did you get out of that sticky situation?

I poked him like twenty times and he still hadn’t moved. What do I do? What do I do?

Call the cops?

I picked up the phone and dialed 91 but stopped and didn’t dial the other 1.

There were three reasons why I couldn’t call the cops.

1.      It has been thirty minutes since I killed Aaron Martin. The police will question why I didn’t call sooner.

2.      I looked like crap right now; my hair was everywhere, my make-up was running and my dress had blood over it. What if I called the cops and the cop turned out to be cute? Selfish I know but no man have ever seen me look like this.

3.      I felt bad, I mean I killed a person but then I realized I wanted to get away with it. All my life, I never felt in control; I always let guys run my life and the moment I killed Aaron, I felt overpowered and in control and I like being in control.

So what did I do instead? First I dealt with the mess. Mom’s vase was broken and the carpet and couch still had Aaron’s blood on it.

The vase was easy; I just sweeped it up and threw it in the trash. If mom notice that her vase was gone which she will, I’ll just tell her that I accidentally broke it. Of course she’ll get mad but I thought that was better then me going to jail and getting rape.

Now the blood was a lot harder. It dried out and the smell was horrible; I always hated the smell of blood.

I went to the bathroom and got the bleach and started getting the blood out my sight. It took an hour to get all the blood out and the whole house smelled like bleach. Even though it was too strong for my nose, I thought the smell was better then the smell of blood.

Then I dealt with the situation. Aaron wasn’t the most popular guy in school but someone would bound to notice that he was missing (i.e. his parents). So what did I do? I wrote a suicide note. Of course I typed it and I wore gloves but I also got Aaron’s fingerprints all over the paper. If I learned anything after watching re-runs of Law & Order was that DNA and fingerprints were key.

And then the hardest part—getting rid of the body. When we moved in with John, mom bought me this huge duffel bag to put all my clothes in—it was huge enough to fit a body in there.

I went up to my room in search of the bag. I found it in my closet where I left it and went back downstairs. 

Don’t ask me how I did it but after an hour, I was able to fit Aaron’s body in the bag.

I felt something inside me I’d never felt before. I felt alive. I was dragging the duffel bag towards the door when I realized that it was only 8 o’clock. Meaning it was not yet dark outside; meaning that the neighbors still could see me drag a duffle bag to my car.

So I waited. I watched a movie, I painted my nails and I listened to music. And then finally midnight came. I wore dark clothing, I put my hair in a ponytail and I put on some cheap black gloves.

The bag was already near the door so it wasn’t that hard to drag it to my car and put it in my trunk.

Was I scared? A little bit.

And then I drove. There’s an abandon house outside of town and that’s where I drove. I dumped Aaron’s body in the bushes and then I went inside the house; to the last floor. I brought some broken beer bottles so the police would think that Aaron was drunk which he was and they will found traces of alcohol in his system.

Afterwards I left the suicide note in clear sight. The hardest part was smashing the window. I had nothing to smash it with. But then I remember the baseball bat that belonged to my father in the backseat of my car.

Another sacrifice. I had nothing to smash it with so I went back outside and got the baseball bat (Sorry daddy) and I smashed the window with it.

And then I drove home.

And that’s how I got away with murder.

But it wasn’t my last.





FANNN :)))

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