Chapter 2

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Aiden's (Mr. Smith) POV

I fiddled with my tie, trying to tie a knot. Why is this so bloody hard? Okay so I fold this end with the other-no that's not it.

                                                                 I give up.

                        "LAURA." I yelled, trying to get her attention. Maybe she knows how to tie this bloody tie.

Laura came into view, with Holden squirming in her hands. He was being naughty this morning.

"Can you help me with this tie?" She nodded, putting Holden down and walking up to me. It's embarrassing how my wife could tie a tie while I—a man who wears ties all the time—can't.

                      She tied it for me and I kissed her on the lips. The thing that attracted me to her was her long, curly blond hair. But these days, it looked less shiny and her brown eyes looked tired with bags under them. That's what parenting a seven-year-old boy does to you. I love Holden, he looks like the kid version of me, but he can be a handful.

"Have a good day at work sweetie." She wished, picking up Holden again.

                   "Thanks." I muttered, feeling nervous. This is my first year teaching and high school kids are cruel.

"Don't forget to pick up Holden after work." She reminds me.

                   "I won't." I picked up my suitcase and headed out the door. I didn't even eat breakfast, afraid that I would be puking it out later on.

I finally reached the school and cars were already parked. Walking inside the school, it looked normal from what I could tell.

Purple and white splattered the wall, probably the school's color, and banners were hung. Mostly advertising the school dance.

                     The hallway was barren—the bell already rang—crap! It's my first day and I'm already late.

I ran in a random direction, trying to find my classroom. I finally found it five minutes later and I walked in-every student looking at me.

                                                            Stay calm.

"Hello everyone I'm Mr. Smith. Sorry I'm late." I set my suitcase on top of my desk and turned my attention to the class.

Right away, some girls had lust in their eyes and some guys were glaring at me. Hey, it's not my fault I'm good looking.

               "Okay since it's my first day, why don't we get to know each other?" I looked around and everyone nodded.

               "My name is Aiden," I continued, "You guys can call me Mr. Smith at all time. Any questions?"

A petit blond immediately raised her hands and I called on her.

               "Do you have a girlfriend?" These girls and their hormones.

               "I'm happily married with a son." I replied. Some girls groaned and looked disappointed and the guys looked relieved.

"How old are you?" Someone shouted, I didn't see who.

"24 and I love my family very much." I added the last part cause teenage girls these days don't seem to have the concept of a happy marriage.

             "Okay now it's time for me to get to know some of you. As I do the attendance, you have to tell me an interesting fact about you."

One by one, I called everyone's name and they said an interesting fact about them. Mostly about the sports they do or their extracurricular activities. 

            I moved on to the next. "Melanie Geller?"

Everyone turned to look at a black haired girl with violet eyes.


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He's Off Limits [Student / Teacher]Where stories live. Discover now