Chapter 30

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"Are you sure we're gonna be okay?" I asked nervously, Jason's hand was resting on the steeling wheel rather then holding it tightly.

"Will be fine," he chuckles looking at the backseat. "Right my babies?" He asks the twins smiling.

"Yeah!" They both shouted.

"See, so chill out. But if we do starve before anything else happens, we could always have you for dinner." He smirks. "I mean I could." He teases licking his lips.

I gasp, pulling my feet into my seat.

"I mean I did it last night-" I quickly cover his mouth not wanting the kids to hear it.

It was snowing really hard today and Jason all of a sudden decided to have a rode trip with the kids, he thought going somewhere for Christmas would be fun, of all days he had to pick today. I'm not complaining, I love spending time together even if we are stuck in the middle of no where.

"Daddy, I'm hungry," I hear Drake whining. I uncover my hands from Jason's mouth to get some cookies for Drake. I open my bag that was under my feet giving him his cookie.

"Tank you," he said taking it from my hand.

"Son, how many times, have I told you it's 'thank you' not 'tank you'?"

"Many times dad but he doesn't listen," Cailin said proudly.

"You, shut up!" Drake yells to his sister. I glare at Jason because he's the one that taught them this. Jason tries his best not to look at my way.

"Drake, honey that's not a nice word. We don't say that, okay?" I look at the backseat giving him a little glare.

"But daddy says it," he points to his father. I roll my eyes mumbling 'he's all yours' to Jason, Jason sighs rubbing his forehead.

"Drake, tell me how old are you?" Jason asks looking at him through the front mirror of the car.

"3," he says pointing 3 fingers up.

"3 year olds aren't allowed to use that kind of words, when you get older you can start using them." I smack my head, glaring at him again. I have to take matters into my own hands.

"Drake, if I ever hear you say that word again. I'm banning you from seeing SpongeBob." I cross my arms looking at him. He didn't respond, he only copied my actions crossing his arms also.

"Aww, so adorable he's trying to look like his dad." Jason pinches my cheek.

"Jason, focus," I whisper to him.

"Oh come on, we're stuck in this snow. Better make the most of it. Right guys?" He asks the twins.

"Right!" They quickly shout answering him back. I playfully shake my head.

"Daddys! The snow is falling!" I hear Cailin yell making us all gasp seeing the snow fall on the car.

I suddenly wake up, looking around seeing I'm in our bedroom. Looking at my side seeing it's empty. I sigh loudly throwing my head on the pillow, pulling it.

It was just a dream, a beautiful, scary dream. I couldn't help to sniffle.

I look at the clock seeing it's only three in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep even if I tried, I pushed the covers away, putting Jason's hoddie on. It was chilly in here. I looked at the window seeing it's a little open. I closed it going downstairs to make some coffee for myself but not before hearing one of the twins crying from the baby monitor.

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