Chapter 9

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Cassie's POV 

Ever since I remember, I have always hated flying in planes. I get so scared especially when flying alone which is exactly what I'm doing at this particular time. I cling to the arm rest of my seat on the plane and I pray not to die. As soon as the plane is smoothly flying through the sky i unlatch my hands from the arm rest and pry my eyes open and take a long awaited breath of relief. 

Plugging my earphones in i put on spotify and blast some of my beloved Bieber hoping that the next 3 hours fly past. 

After what felt like hours being in the plane, it has only been 30 minutes. I let out an annoyed groan and see the middle aged man beside me look at me like i'm a freak. Having another 2 and a half hours left on this flying metal death trap i decide to take a nap.

Unfortunatly I wake up to the plane about to land and my reflexes happen to kick in when my hands lock onto the arm rests of the seat and i seal my eyes shut so tight that it begins to hurt and after what felt like hours being sat like this, the plane makes a smooth touchdown and i couldn't be happier. 

*after baggage claim and about to leave the airport*

After struggling to retrieve my luggage, i make my way toward the exit and turn my phone on so i can grab a cab. After turning on my phone I notice a few messages pop through

Shelly: Can't wait to see you boo 


Ty: Cody has been sad all day because you haven't messaged him today. Hurry here because he's annoying meeeeee. love ya

Hol: Got you a car, it should be at the airport when you get there and will drop you off at mine where you are staying and then will bring you straight to set. can't wait for you to get here

Cody: babeeeee

Cody: i miss you

Cody: when are you coming to LA

Cody: i'm bored

Cody: talk to meee

Cody: are you okay?

Cody: Why aren't you replying 

Cody: Did i do something wrong?

Okay so maybe it was more than a few messages. That last message from Cody absolutly broke my heart. I was so tempted to reply to him but i think it would ruin the whole surprise of me coming to meet him. 

Walking around near the exit i see a sign with my name on it and head to the man. "Are you Cassie Blake?" The tall man asks wearing a hat so i'm guessing he is my driver. "The one and only" I reply smiling. He nods at my response taking my bags and leading me out to the car. After a little small talk in the car, we reach Hollands house, well, more like a mansion. It's stunning. I get shown to my room and i decide to shower and change out of my plane clothes. I decide to wear something cute and girl to meet everyone in since i want to make a good impression especially with Cody. 


*skipping to getting out of the car at the set*

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*skipping to getting out of the car at the set*

I arrive there at 12 in the afternoon so i'm guessing everyone is at their trailers or having lunch or something, i'm not exactly sure what actually happens on set but i guess i'm about to find out. I get my pass to be allowed through by my driver Darrell and I make my way in. I'm greeted by a very happy Tyler, Holland, Lil' Dyl and Big Dyl. I've never been so excited to meet some people before in my life and the best thing about actually meeting them is that it didn't feel like i was meeting them all for the first time, it felt like I was meeting old friends at not people i have never met before. After meeting them, i meet everyone else such as Jeff, Vic, Shell, Arden and everyone else except Cody. 

I turn to Holland "So, where is Cody?" I ask nervously with sweaty palms. I know, sweaty palms, kinda gross right but its what happens to me when i'm nervous and gosh was i nervous as hell. 

"He's in his trailer and won't come out, only to film but that's it and will barely speak to anyone. He told Tyler he was sad because you haven't spoken to him and he thinks he did something wrong"  i felt so bad when she said this. 

"yeah i was on the plane so couldn't reply and when landed i thought it would be best if i didn't reply and just met him instead so he wouldn't be expecting it"

"He's going to be so happy" Tyler added. 

Holland noticed my nervousness and hugged me. I hugged her back straightaway because that is exactly what a needed. "Don't be nervous Cas, he's crazy about you. Everything will be perfect" she whispered to me. I nodded back at her in response and we made our way to Cody's trailer. 

All the guys stepped away but i could still see them watching from a far and some were filming. i giggled to myself and looked at the door of Cody's trailer. His name was on the front and that's when i realized that this is really happening. I'm about to meet the guy that i've been talking to and falling for. 

"It's now or never Cas" i whispered only loud enough for me to hear as I knocked on the while door of his trailer. 

I felt my heart skip a beat when i heard his voice from inside the trailer and could help but smile. "Go away Tyler, I don't want to talk right now". I knocked again and waited to for him to open the door. 

"Tyler i said-- Cassie?" When he whispered my name i felt shivers go down my spine and I suddenly knew exactly what i wanted in my life. Him. He is all i want now and forever. He looked deep into my brown eyes with his beautiful hazel ones speechless. 

"Hi" i whispered back as i could feel my eyes water. The next thing i knew was i was being wisped off the floor and 2 strong arms hold me so tight against him and i've never felt so safe in my entire life. 

He placed me down on the floor and placed each of his hands on the side of my face as i held his onto the side of him and we just stood there looking deep into each others eyes. He leans in and rests his forehead against mine and suddenly i felt a warm and soft pair of lips on mine. He was kissing me. 

Cody's POV

She's here, I'm kissing her, the girl I've fallen for is here and I'm kissing her.

I pulled away and just looked at her. That was the stupidest thing I've ever done! I haven't even been out with her and I've already kissed her. What if I've ruined it. Oh gosh. 

I was asking her with my eyes if that was okay and the next thing i know she jumps up and kisses me. I smile into the kiss and just let myself melt into the kiss and that is when i realized that i want her and I want this and i know she feels the exact same way. 

---------------------------THE END---------------------------

sorry this was a pretty short book but i just wasn't feeling it anymore. I hope you life the ending. I've just started a Grayson Dolan Instagram story and a Grayson Dolan story called 'Saved By My Bully' so you can read them if you want. 

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