T: Twilight Sparkle
AJ: Applejack
RD: Raindowdash
FS: Fluttershy
P: Pinkie Pie
R: Rarity
S: Sunset Shimmer
D: Derpy_mlp_fangirl (me!)

D: Okay everypony, who's ready for ask and dare?

P: Me!!!

RD: You know we aren't ponies right?

D: Yes...I know that! Now let's get started!

AJ: So what's our first dare?

FS: Or question

Aj: Yeah

D: Well...umm...we don't actually have any yet...

R: Of course not darling, we have to wait for one of Derpy's amazing followers to come up with something.

D: Exactly

P: Ugh! I hate waiting...

S: I'm sure it will be worth it Pinkie.

T: Yeah I bet the followers will come up with some great dares and questions!

FS: That's not necessarily a good thing...

RD: Are you kidding? This is gonna be great!

D: Yeah so everyone please comment dares and questions! Feel free to ask or dare me as well! Wow Pinkie...breaking the fourth wall is fun! No wonder you do it so much...

P: I know right! But don't you need to do it again to finish off the chapter?

D: Oh yeah! Please comment and bye everypony!

Ask/Dare the mane 7Where stories live. Discover now