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D: Okay then! rainbowpie22 has given us more dares! So. This ones from their friend actually. Rainbowdash?

RD: Yeah?

D: They want you to go home and rest.

RD: What? So I have to leave?

D: Yep, go rest.

RD: Fine...*leaves*

D: Okay. And the next one is for Pinkie!

P: Yipee!

D: You have to jump on everyone when they aren't looking!

S: I'm pretty sure she does that anyway.

T: *nods*

FS: You know you can talk now right?

T: Finally! *screams* Pinkie what are you doing?

P: My dare! Didn't you hear? I have to jump on everyone when they aren't looking!

T: Yeah, I heard...

D: So, they also want you to know that they will be reading Rarijack fanfictions for the rest of the week.

Aj: *blushes*

R: Awww. They do have good taste in ships!

D: They want to know if that annoys you but clearly not...

R: Not in the slightest. I would love it if they could recommend me some of those...

AJ: Umm...

D: Rarity are you ever gonna ask her out? This is just me asking by the way.

R: Perhaps...Not that she'd say yes.

AJ: I might. Ya don't know - Pinkie get off me!

P: Sorry it's a dare!

D: And the last thing is...Rarity and Applejack?

R: Yes darling?

AJ: Uh oh.

D: They want you to read the whatpadd book, 'The presidents daughter'. Now it's pretty long so we can see what you think of it next chapter.

Aj: Is it any good?

D: Dunno I haven't read it yet. Pinkie! Please don't jump on me!

P: Sorry!

D: Well that's it for now everypony! Brilliant, I can say that without Rainbow getting annoyed. Awesome! Bye everypony!

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