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The next day..

3rd Person's POV:


Luna stumbled upon the halls of the castle, scared to bump to any Nobles, but a bit calm due to Vestus' new rule:

No Nobles are allowed to take a bite on the Rose.

Slightly, Luna was doubting about it.

"Oh Rooooose~!" Here comes her nightmare, Vestus. "How are you today~?" He asked with a joyful face.

"Uhm...It's okay."

"Oh really?" Little that she know, Vestus was still disappointed that his 'meant-to-be' wife escaped from him. But he was half-happy because he had what he wants.

"Y-Yes.." Luna replied with a frown, which Vestus noticed. "Are you missing your vampire friend?" Luna's eyes widened.

"Oh don't worry~! We've been feeding him and his friends some human blood so he and the others won't die! But I couldn't believe it, I actually caught the founder though! What was his name.. Oh! His name was Jerome Izayoi!"

"M...My oldest brother??.."

"Older brother? That was a bit shocking, what was your name dear?"

"I-It's..Luna Izayoi."

"*gasp* Oh my devil is a liar! You?! The younger sister of him!?"


"Oh my..." Vestus said while dramatically walling to the wall.

"Uhh.." Luna sweatdropped.

"Aha! I know! How about let's give them a visit? I'm sure he would be happy to see you!"

"Now, to the dungeon!"


As the two entered the location, Luna expected it to be dark and full of poor people desperately to be freed, but she was wrong. The floor is clean, it can mirror a person, the cells were also clean but some are not due to the bloodstains that the former prisoners left from an old time.

"Ugh, such messy cells.. Dungeon cleaners! Come!" Vestus snapped his fingers as Ellen's maids and servants came, their eyes are almost filled with despair until they saw Luna, now their eyes are mixed with hope and happiness.

"Why are you all happily standing there?" Vestus snapped their thoughts.

"Nothing, my Lord! We're just happy that you're making us work after all the standing!" One maid lied. Lucky for her, Vestus didn't used his vampire mind-reading abilities.

"After all the standing? Oh! You guys are the ones always standing at the side of the throne room, am I right?"

"Yes my Lord."

"Ooh okay then. Alright! Clean that mess up! The Rose is too innocent to see such thing!"

"Yes my Lord!" They both said before going to work. "Now, shall we go?" Both Luna and Jun nodded.

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