My Inner Monster

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A/N: This chapter is Ren's point of view, so it means that there will be no 3rd's POV or any character's POV because this chapter will focus on Ren's inner monster. (I FEEL MY INTENSIFIES O__O) But on the last part will be a 3rd Person's POV.

Let's get started.


~~ Dream ~~

"Father, can I go play outside?" I look up to my father, Tao En. I saw kids playing outside, that's why I went downstairs to give permission to my father, but as always, he denies.

"No, Ren. You must study for your future generations, you should not waste your knowledge with some brats." I frowned, I had no choice but to follow his orders.

"Yes father.."

"Dear?" I heard my mother, Tao Ran, called my father as I was on the second floor. Father sighed, "What is it, Ran?" "You didn't let Ren play with the children again.." Then my father closed the book he was reading and glared on mother. Wait, why he would glare at mother?

"Listen, I want to raise Ren to become one of the Nobles so our family can gain more popularity and history than the Asakuras!" He slammed his fist to the table next to him.

I was too young to understand why, so I just went to my room while my parents are arguing. But not too's just like an argument on business.

"Ren? Are you alright, little brother?" I saw my elder sister, peeking at the corner with worried eyes.

"I'm okay, onee-san.." I frowned more and then she gaved me a hug.

"Don't worry, Ren, I'm sure that father might give you a chance.. How about we play tag?"

"I'm not in the mood to play.."

"Then how about I should tell you that uhm..." She stopped. "Tell me what?" "Well uhm..I had a crush on this guy that I met in the city.." Tch, it's only a crush. She got me worried.

"I can read your thoughts, Ren. Is my wittle baby brother worried and scared?" She started to tickle me, I tried not to laugh but I just giggle.

"O-Onee-san! That tickles! H-Hey!"


Finally, I have finished all my studies! I think I can have fun with onee-san!

"Onee-san?" I looked around in my sister's room, she's not there, even in the bathroom and closet!

"I'll be now taking my leave." Familiar female voice..could it be??

"Shouldn't you say goodbye to Ren?"

"Why should I, mother? He's doing great with his studies so I have to do my own part as one of King Bathory's Nobles." I finally got out of the hallways to see my sister. But her eyes look different, they're...lifeless.

"O-Onee-san?" I said while going towards her. "Mother, would you please leave us two alone?" "Sure, Jun.." I saw mother's face looks sad and her eyes are almost tearing. But I have to ask my sister why she's leaving!

"Why are you leaving?" I asked her.

"Is it none of your concern?" She's not like before..she doesn't speak like this to me..

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