Chapter 1

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~Caeli's POV~
"Caeli!" My mom called from down stairs.
I can't believe it's already September! I'm the last one to leave for school because 1) my step-sister, Paige, is a teacher in Oklahoma. 2) Both of my step-brothers, Thomas and M.J. are both in college. 3) My older biological sister, Mary-Kate or MK for short, is also in college. And 4) My other biological sister, Maddie, wasn't excepted into the Wattpad High School for Authors or just Wattpad High. Which leaves me, the youngest. And also it's my first year in high school. Just finished middle school a few months ago and now I'm going to a school for writers. Only one of my friends from middle school is going! Jillian, or Jilly, a.k.a jillyStarfilla. But besides her, I know NO ONE! I'm so nervous! What if I have no classes with Jill! What is all the classes are boring? What if I embarrass myself in front of everyone in school?!
"Caeli!" My mom called again "You don't wanna miss the bus!"
Oh right.
I scrambled out of bed and pulled on jeans and a random t-shirt. I grabbed my claddagh ring from my dresser. I quickly braided part of my hair and put it all in a messy bun. I stuffed all my books and my cat plushy in my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I quickly tied up my combat boots and grabbed my "And Peggy" sweatshirt. I bolted down stairs to see my mom laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked
"Sweetie you have another half hour before the bus comes!"
"Ugh!" I sat down at the table and banged my head on it.
"Here sweetie." My mom said placing a plate of pancakes and syrup in front of me. "You don't want to go to school on an empty stomach and also Jill is taking the bus this year too!"
"Cool!" I smiled at my mom who walked back over to the kitchen and started packing my lunch.
When she was done I put the lunch in my bag and started walking out the door to the bus stop.
"Bye mom love you!" I called
"Bye sweetie! Have a good day!" She called back
I smiled at her and started jogging down the street.
After a few minutes the bus got here and I could already see my BFFL sitting there waiting for me.
"Hey Jill!" I smiled as I sat next to her.
"Hi Cae!" She smiled, her shoulder cropped hair tied in a low and short ponytail. The bangs of her almost black brown hair covered her entire forehead, stopping at her eyebrows. She all around was small but she packed a strong punch of strength, energy, and personality. She was always hyped for anything. We've been best friends since 3rd grade when I moved to this town, that was 7 years ago but it only feels like yesterday. She pulled down her pink shirt a bit and pulled it over the elastic rim of her rainbow leggings. Her bright clothes almost glowed in the bright sun of the early fall and so did our pale skin!
"Nice sweatshirt!" She winked at the reference and I winked back. We both laughed. We found almost anything funny. That's we are BFFL (best friends for life)!!!
A girl sat across from us and I asked Jill if I should say hi. Jill encouraged me to because we had no other friends at this school.
She had fair skin with brown hair and brown eyes. She also had an overbite. She wore a short dress with leggings underneath. She was listening to music and reading what seemed like a fanfic.
I mean this is the Wattpad school for writers, I thought, so reading and writing stories during school probably won't be against the rules
"Hi." I said smiling at her
"Hm?" She paused her music and shut off her phone. "Oh hi!"
"Hi! Is this your first year here too?" Jill asked smiling on the inside of the seat. "I'm JillyStarFilla but you can call me Jill or Jilly!"
"I'm Caelicat73." I said waving like an anime girl. "You can call me Caeli. Btw it's pronounced Kay-Lee."
"Hi!" She walked back smiling as well. "I'm TheMinecraftBeagle! But just call me Beagle! It is my first year! What do you guys write about?"
"Fan fiction!" I said. "I have a lot of stories..."
"I write about random stuff but everything is either a fanfic or based off if a book, show, or movie I like." Jill said
"I write FFs too!" She smiled.
We continued chatting, learning more about each other and becoming good friends in just the small amount of time it took to get to school.
Maybe this year won't be that bad after all...

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