Chapter 2

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I walked, alone, to my locker, looking around at the people. Jill and Beagle had lockers farther down the hall. They weren't too far and I could still see them but I could already tell we weren't gonna cross paths often.
I turned to my locker and put in the combo. I looked at the empty locker for second before placing my things neatly on its shelves and hung my bag and sweatshirt on it's hooks. I grabbed my books that I needed until the next locker break and looked at the time.
"Wow." I mumbled to myself. "New record for putting stuff away. Only took me 3 minutes. Now I have 12 minutes until class."
I closed my locker and reset the lock on it. I turned and look at the busy halls. Kids all my age lined the sides of the hallway putting things in their lockers. I brushed my bangs out of my face and leaned against the lockers.
       "Excuse me." A guy said. He had two different colored eyes and red hair like mine.
       "Oh. Sorry." We stood there awkwardly for a moment as he opened his locker. "I'm Caeli by the way." I finally said.
       "I'm Brody. Brody Lux." He simply said like some person in a movie.
    "All freshman please proceed to the gymnasium. All freshman to the gymnasium." The intercom boomed.
       "Welp. We better get goin'." I said to Brody. He shrugged and we began walking to the gym.
        I stepped into the gym to see the lines of booths displaying different clubs. Cooking, dance, and so many others. I was amazed to see so many upperclassmen running these many many clubs.
How many kids are in this school? I thought.
      I turned but Brody was already exploring some booths close by. So I began looking around.
I spotted Beagle at the Gaming Club booth so I meandered over there, making sure to read all the club signs.
"Thinking of joining the Gaming Club, Beagle?" I asked stepping next to her. She was shorter than me, but I mean, most people are.
"Yeah. You?"
"I might join as well." The girl behind the booth with large head phones around her neck handed me a colorful flyer with many classic video game characters on it. "Thanks."
I tucked the paper in my messenger bag and continued looking.
I saw a few kids by the Sports Club.
"Hm.." I thought for a moment. "My mom really wants me to exercise more. Eh, if I hate it I can quit."
I made my way towards the booth. A boy who looked like your classic heart throb football player stood there.
        Two girls grabbed flyers from the booth. One had dark purple hair and the other had black to aqua ombré hair. I didn't realize how many people here have dyed hair.
        "I'll take a flyer." I said to guy at the booth and he handed me one. It had little cartoon sports equipment in the corners. I tucked it in my messenger bag and continued looking. This is gonna be a long year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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