Ace Savvy and The Dealer

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Lincoln-Alright the new edition to the ace savvy comic book series I finally have it. First lets comfortable and put and for the no smudges in the comic glove now lets begin. (Lincoln opens the comic book and.starts reading)

(Ace savvy on top of a building) ACE Savvy -In this city crime never sleeps that why I'm here. To Deal some justice.
(Someone screaming)-Ahhh!! Please Someone help!

(Ace Savvy swoops  when the hear heard the screaming but didn't see anyone)
Ha ha haa (woman laughing)
Woman-Your fall for anything just to save someone

Ace Savvy- well I'm the only one watching over this city I must stay alert. Blackened Heart.

Blackened Heart- well nothing going to save you now Ace. Get him boys!
(Goons come out of hiding and start running towards Ace)

( Ace starts fighting the goons one by one they go down)
Ace Savvy- you think I can't Ace a couple of goons Blackened Heart.

Blackened Heart- well I thought you'll at least give them a chance.

Ace Savvy- well now your going back into the deck blackened Heart.

Blackened Heart- I don't think so
(Throws a smoke grenades) it was nice playing cards with you but I have to fold. See ya Ace.
(Blackened Heart vanished into the night.)

(Ace looking for her until the she is no where to be found)
(The police come to collect the goons and Ace savvy returns to the streets of Cassino City)
One eyed jack- Ace there's something going in downtown Helen of troy

Ace Savvy- thanks jack alert the police and hold that position your my eye in the sky.

One eyed jack- ok got it

Inside the five spot warehouse in downtown Helen of troy

Ceo of Five spot- (wakes up tied to a chair) w wh where am I???

You don't recognize this place Mr. Five Spot (someone answer)

Ceo of Five spot- who said that (startled)

Why its your old friend remember me (coming out of the shadows)

Ceo of Five spot- Sylvester what are you doing get me out of this

Now why would I do that after all you done for me (the man says)

Ceo of Five spot- th that was a long time ago. Here if you let me go I'll give any thing!!!

Now now I don't want your money.. I Want you to play cards with me.

Ceo of Five spot- wh what ?!?

I just want you to have a good time while gambling your life here I'll deal.
(Starts to shuffle card and do tricks while shuffling)

Ceo of Five spot- what are some kind of dealer.

No I'm not just some dealer am The Dealer.

Now here we go (pulls out a Card)
Ohh we're going to have fun. (The Dealer shows him the card)

Ceo of Five spot- what does that mean?

The Dealer- it means I have to go. sorry we can't have fun.
(The Ceo is relieved)

The Dealer- but that doesn't mean that can't have fun.
( the goons come closer towards the ceo of Five spot)

Ceo of Five spot- what no I thought you'll let me go.
(The dealer walks out silently and drives away)


Ace Savvy- jack where is the emergency on Helen of troy

One eyed jack- it in a warehouse of Five spot corp.

Ace Savvy- ok I see it

(Ace Savvy smashes through the warehouse window and see the ceo of Five spot)

Ace Savvy- time to deal me in

The goons go after ace savvy and try to take him down but in a matter of seconds ace has everyone pin down.

Ace unties the ceo of Five spot from the chair
Ace Savvy- are you alright

Ceo of Five spot- ye yeah I think so.
Thank you ace you save my life

Ace Savvy- who did this to you

Ceo of Five spot- a man I use to know he calls himself The Dealer now he left that card over there.

(Ace pick up the card) hmmm?

(Police come barging in from the door)
Police 1- what happen here Ace

Ace Savvy- someone tried to take out this man and almost got away with it.
Get man home I need to investigate.

Police 1-ok lets us know if find anything Ace.

Ace Savvy- jack
One eyed jack- yeah Ace
Ace Savvy- find me everything you can find about The Dealer
The End

Lincoln- That was.... AWESOME!!!!
Can't wait for the next Ace Savvy comic..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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