.... I'M Sorry

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I just want to say sorry...to a few friends...and why I'm sorry....
*sighs and sniffs* anyways let's get onto the tagging

I'm sorry for what happened this morning...I'm just really emotional right now and if I made you sad or mad I'm so sorry....I'm usually nicer than how I was when I was talking to you...
I hope you can forgive me

-BunnyBoy09/ BunnyBoy08,
I'm sorry for not understanding how you feel around a certain someone... I should have respected that..and I should have respected your opinions but I didn't.... I'm so sorry

I'm sorry that I flip out on you sometimes, I swear I never intend to yell/hurt you from texts like I do... And I'm sorry for that...and I'm sorry for hurting you...
Hope you can forgive me

I'm sorry for usually not being happy... I'm sorry for how I treat you or act around you but I swear I don't mean to act that way...
Please... Forgive me

I'm sorry that I'm like this... That I'm depressed...that its hard to find happiness... I'm sorry if I flip out on you...or hurt you... I just want you yo know that if I do...I'm sorry

I...I'm so fucking sorry I wasn't there for you.... I'm sorry that I acted like that...especially when you were sad.... I wish that I could take it all back and make it better.... But... I can't... And I'm guessing...that your gone... Or you deleted the app but...
I'll always love you...and I'll miss you...
Please....forgive me

I'm so sorry if I ever hurt you...i know I have hurt you before and I'm sorry... Its just...because of my depression and emotions I can't really think straight anymore... I'm sorry for how I treat you during calls and texts... I swear I never intended to hurt you....please don't be mad at me.... And I hope you can forgive me

I'm so fucking sorry for how I treated you... I didn't ever want to hurt you... Yet I did... And it made me feel bad... I still feel bad right now but... I'm sorry... For getting mad... For making you mad... For making you sad... Angry...confused.... And I'm sorry for making you shed a tear... I swear that I still love you and I'm scared to loose you.... But... I hope that I feel batter soon...because... I miss you...being by my side....making me happy.... Making me enjoy... Life.... But with out you...I'm lost in darkness.... And I need my light to find my way out.... I'm sorry if i get really fucking depressed but... It's because I stopped taking my anti-depressents...
Please.... I hope you can forgive my sorry ass

I'm sorry... For being like this but *hugs you* i need you in my life bestie.... I'm sorry for the conversation from this morning.... I'm also sorry if I hurt you.. Because I don't mean to...its just... I'm trying my best to stay strong and stay happy...for you and everyone else....
If I fuck up...
I hope you can forgive me

Im sorry for most of the things that I have done to each and every one of you but... I don't want others knowing what I'm talking about so I'm putting some stuff on what I'm sorry about....
But anyways.... My arms have bruises on them... I should have fought back but I didn't... Anyways I've stopped taking my pills...because I don't want to get addicted again *yawn*
And also my friend kept me up until 4 so I'm really tired *yawns*
Anyway I hope you all have an amazing morning/evening/ night depending on where you live

Temmie out~

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