I Ambush A Girl In Her Car

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Just as I round the corner I hear a shout. "Police, freeze!" Damn. Just what I need, another offense to go on my record; Better make sure I don't get caught this time.

I emerge from the alley onto a quiet street. A couple people are walking down the sidewalk but don't notice me. Each second I waste standing here is another second closer to jail. I have to do something; And quick. With one last glance behind me, I take off down the cracked cement sidewalk. My feet are flying, propelling me faster than I've ever gone before.


Shit, the cop. I risk a look back towards him. Thankfully he's still a ways back. To lose him I make a quick left. A couple yards down the road I see a parked car with someone in the driver's seat. Perfect, I think. I sprint to the passenger seat and pull on the handle. The girl inside looks up at me, a mix of surprise and pure terror on her face. To my relief, the door opens.

"Drive, just drive!" I shout as I cram my body into her car. For a second, the girl just sits there. "For God's sake, drive woman!" I urge her. She must hear the urgency in my voice or see it in my face because she starts the car and peels off the side of the road.

"Buckle up." She mutters. I chuckle a little, but do as she says. I fumble with the belt for a few moments, but eventually I'm safely buckled in. I look around and notice how clean her car is. There aren't any food wrappers laying on the floor, no school stuff scattered around, nothing. My car, on the other hand, is possibly the messiest car there is.

After a couple minutes of awkward silence, I speak up.

"So...What's your name?"

"Dylan. Dylan Fowler. What's yours?"

"No way." I laugh. "Mine too. Dylan Gray."

"Is your favorite color grey?" She cracks a smile.

"Very original." I respond. It's then that I realize how damn cute she is. She looks to be about my age, seventeen. Her hair is a normal brown color, but after some observation, I notice blue-green pieces. It's so long she's sitting on some parts, and it's straight; I can tell it's not naturally like that. Little baby hairs around her face have begun to curl, most likely from the humidity. Her eyes are like nothing I've ever seen before. Some might describe them as hazel; part green part brown, but Dylan's are more than that. A ring of green surrounds the pupil, while a ring of brown surrounds that. The rings continue until the whites of her eyes. She has a slightly bigger than average nose, but it just makes her all the more cute.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asks. I realize I've been staring for God only knows how long.

"Just peachy." I say, giving her my best smile-which has been rumored to make girls faint.

"So, Dylan," She says. "what made you decide to ambush me in my car on this fine afternoon?"

"Well you see, I accidentally did something and got caught by a cop. I really can't afford to taint my record any more than I already have, so I ran. I needed a quick get away and you happened to be sitting in a convenient location, and now we're here."

"May I ask what you did to catch the attention of a cop?"

I flash another one of my killer smiles and wink. "It's a secret."

"Hmph." Dylan scrunches up her nose in the cutest way ever. I'm so distracted by her, I almost miss the turn.

"Make a right here." I instruct her. For the rest of the car ride, we're quiet, except for me giving the occasional direction. I have her drop me off a couple blocks from my house; if my mom saw her it'd lead to too many questions.

As I get out I say, "Thanks for the ride, Fowler." Before I shut the door I hear her say, "No problem, Gray." As I walk away, I smile. I just can't help myself.

AN// I'd just like to say thank you to animelover1311 and Geeky_Glader  and AllTheNiceOnesAreBad for helping me edit.

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