Pronunciation Guide

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Abhuman /ab-HYOO-mun/ noun

Meaning, away from human. A pejorative term used by Covenant society to indicate those that are not born in compliance with the rigid genomic norm. Metahuman is the preferred term, as used by the Aoratos, referring to the sub-species of Artaldeans secretly engineered by the Skaduwee, with metahuman powers. They were designed to help liberate the galaxy from The Covenant's brutal slave empire.

*NOTE: When the Skaduwee design randomly presents, and an Artaldean child is born with the Abhuman gene active their reproductive cycle and immunity to disease, is reset to human normal.

Aoratos /OW-ra-tos/ noun

From the Greek, meaning invisible. Taken by the Artaldean resistance as the name for their "invisible" army of resistance fighters.

Artaldean /art-uhl-DEE-uhn/ noun

Homo-sapiens-sapiens-artaldean is a subspecies of homo-sapiens-sapiens (mankind) that was genetically engineered by the Tarbizhad to be a more docile herd animal, capable of reproducing faster (gestation reduced to 6 months from of 9), and granting them immunity to all disease. In addition to the physical changes, Artaldeans are predisposed to docility, and servility. Sexual drive is also made dormant until the Artaldean attends the Confirmation of Purity at sixteen years of age and is injected with a libidic activator.

Ghimorphos /jim-or-FOHS/ noun

From the Greek, meaning Earth shaper. The name of the terraforming starship orbiting Krijese. The home of over 90,000 unwitting Artaldean slaves. The Ghimorphos has nine domed city habitats, each housing approximately 10,000 Artaldeans. The core of the Ghimorphos is home to an unknown number of Tarbizhad, who remain in suspended animation in a hive-like central chamber.

Indigen /in-DUH-gen/ noun

A contraction of the english—indigenous, meaning, native to. The name given by the Aoratos to the indigenous aliens living on Krijese. A highly telepathic and benign race.

Krijese /kri-jess/ noun

The planet currently being terraformed by the Artaldeans on the Ghimorphos. Krijese is the home of the Indigens—the few that remain after the terraforming activities began. It orbits Thorantis.

Metahuman /me-ta-hyoo-man/ noun

Metahuman is the term adopted by the Aoratos, referring to the sub-species of Artaldeans secretly engineered by the Skaduwee, with metahuman powers. – SEE ABHUMAN above for additional information.

Skaduwee /skad-uh-wee/ noun

An alien race of shapeshifters, also enslaved by the Tarbizhad. They are masters of genomic manipulation and genetic engineering. They secretly imbued the Artaldean genome with a tiny possibility of random mutation that could produce incredible powers. Homo sapiens sapiens was the only species capable of being manipulated in this clandestine fashion; modifications to other species would have been detectable by the Tarbizhad overlords.

Tarbizhad /tar-BIZH-awd/ noun

A genetically engineered species of killing machine, designed to commit genocide against their maker's enemy. Highly telepathic, possibly with shape-shifting powers.Inhumanly fast and strong. Very little is known about this species - very few survive an encounter.

Thorantis /thor-an-tiss/ noun

The star around which Krijese orbits.

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