chapter 9

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I placed zariah on my hip she was biting on her fingers speaking her baby language in my ear i kissed the side of her head and her shut the door I walk up the stairs to blazes house I rang the door bell and heard the sound of king barking at the door then open blaze gave me a sad smile at me "I thought you went to newyork " change of plans I miss my flight and don't have enough money to get another on " I think he new it was a lie I won't believe me either I live a 18,000 house I'm a bad liar but thankfully he didn't question me and went to go get kj I walk into the house and king ran up to me zariah giggled at him I petted him and stood up on his back legs wanting me to pick him up " no king your to heavy " he got way to big for me to be picking him up he got down and stared at zariah zariah was having her little conversation to herself I know king and her were going be having problems king is really territorial over kj and I but he's going have to get used to it blaze came down stairs with kj in his stuff and kings leash and food bowel I grabbed kj hand and tried to grabbed his stuff and king all at once but blaze took it from it from me "stop trying be super women OK learn to ask for help sometimes" I nodded pushing zariah more onto my hip blaze grabbed kj bag and put the leash on king and followed me to the car I put zariah in her car seat and the kj in his then put king in the back seat with kj bag " you know you put to much pressure on yourself OK its alright to mess up yasmine your young " i nodded shut the door he gave me a hug and went in to the house i sighed and got into the car and started who driving all i cam thing about was what blaze had said when i was younger i was never able to relax or just be a kid always had my dad judgement eyes on me and now that i have my own kids I'm so worried of them growing up right even if they weren't biologically mine
" mommy za's paci came out her mouth " i wait to we got to a red light and looked back and seen zariah staring at kj " put it back in sissy mouth kj baby " he leaned over and put it back in her mouth she smile while sucking her paci i chuckled and turned around as soon as the light to turn green and drove of towards the direction of my house i

once i got there i got kj out of the car and placed him on the ground " kj stay here while i get sissy out " he nood while twisting hair around his fingers i went to zariah side and took her out her carseat and placed her on my hips i grabbed kj hand i called king and he jump out the car and follow me into the house i place zariah on the couch placing pillows around her and kj next to her and put cartoon to keep the entertained for while i went back outside and shut all the doors and grabbed the bags i turn towards and couldn't help the feeling of eyes on me i turn around and didn't see anything so i shrugged it off and went inside to see smoke playing with zariah on the couch kj sat on the other couch looking at smoke " what wrong kj its daddy come here" he never looked away  from smoke and walked over to me i picked him up i tried to get closer to smoke but he would start to cry and climb up my arm me and smoke looked at him strangely and got up with zariah still in his arms and reach for kj in his other arms kj moved more into my body screaming king got up from him spot on the floor and stared growling at smoke" smoke they have to get used to you again you been missing almost for a year give them some time " he looked at kj and nodded his head sighing and sat on the couch  placing zariah  in a standing position his lap she jumped happily on his lap unbothered  talking in her baby language

Ice pov : big ted came busting in i was going bust a cap in his ass for interrupting  but he stopped me by slapping a hand full of pictures on my desk everyone got quieted realizing what the pictures was of  i picked up one of the pictures i clenched my jaw and bang on the desk making most people at the table jump " i told your ass to get close to her not to fall in love " i glared at him and threw the picture down " i didnt fall in love nigga man forget about her what are we going do about smokes ass since we know for sure he's alive " he put down his new paper and shrugged " honest take that up with de'angelo that was his job put another hit on him this time kill all of them i can care less i just want my money ice " thats all he said before leaving out the room i shook my head " does he know that is his daughter right " i looked at big ted and pushed all the pictures off my desk onto the floor " pick this shit up and i want everyone out this bitch by the time i look up and who ever not gone ill will bust a cap in your ass " i pulled my phone out my pocket and started to text de'angleo i headed the sound of chairs push back and the door shut back i put my phone down and sighed laying my head on the headrest of chair

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