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She stripped off the large headset with a sigh, placing it on the control panel. With some protest from her back, she stood up and stretched out her limbs. After sitting in a chair for 6 hours, she felt as stiff as a statue. She loved her job, but damn, did she wish she didn't just sit there the whole time. She unplugged her laptop from the sound system, its lid covered with stickers of floral skulls, playlist covers she loved, and some quotes from Marilyn Monroe.

She walked across the small space to the coat rack, grabbing her army green Eastern University of Art varsity jacket and her brown pleather Messenger bag. She shoved her laptop inside as she walked out of the room and through the main hallway.

At this point in the day, she was always the last person to leave the Radio building and the only lights were the emergency ones in the hall. When she stepped out of the building, cold November air nipped at her nose, and she shivered as she fished out her key chains and locked up as quickly as possible. She scurried down the flight of steps and began her walk back to her apartment. It was about a 10 minute walk, and the only light to guide her path walkers the flickering street lights. Although most people would be deterred by the walk home, but Mara was oblivious to it by now.

She walked through campus, and came out on Fletcher's Rd. She walked briskly on the sidewalk, her hands deep in her pockets with her breath coming out in white puffs. It was pretty quiet despite the few passing cars- it was only a Thursday night, so there weren't any party goers near to be loud and obnoxious. But after a few minutes of striding toward her home, She heard shouts ahead. It sounded like a mix of men and women, saying things She couldn't quite decipher yet.

As She edged closer, she could make out 5 or 6 people surrounding something, shouting and kicking. sparks were flying as well, and she knew that someone was using their abilities. Her senses heightened and her heart thundered in my chest. She started to jog toward the crowd, and when She approached them all in their puffy jackets, she shouted at them to get their attention.

"Hey! Hey! What's going on?" She demanded, moving around to try and see what they were messing with. A few of them turned to look at her, wicked smiles gracing their faces.

"This scumbag was touching up on my girls." One answered, "wanna help teach him a lesson?" One of the others asked mischievously. Mara's face scrunched up as She realized they were kicking and beating a black man, and he was bleeding all over the sidewalk. One of them appeared to be using sparks from their finger tips to burn him wherever they touched.

"No, thanks. someone reported you guys for being too loud- the cops are on their way. I suggest you scatter before you get arrested for disturbing the peace. Just leave the guy here- he'll bleed out on his own anyways."she lied stiffly, and the look of panic momentarily crossed their faces before they nodded and thanked and scattered off.

After they were out of sight, She walked up the man lying on the ground with cuts and bruises and burns all over his face and tattered clothing. He was starting to get onto his hands and knees when she began to speak,

"Hey. You alright?" She asked skeptically, keeping her hands balled in her pockets, fiddling with her pepper spray bottle. In response, he coughed up blood.

"Oh. That's nice." She muttered, wincing. She took in her surroundings as she bounced lightly on her toes,the gears in her mind spinning. She was by the liquor store, which was closed along with every other store on the street. Strangely, there wasn't anyone else walking home either, so she made the decision to help him. She stepped forward, offering him a hand, which he took. She helped him to his feet, brushing him off and straightening his clothes. He looked to be in his early thirties, with tired brown eyes and hints of wrinkles.

"Thank you, dear." He croaked before turning his head to the side and clearing his throat, more blood splattering out. She quickly released him and stepped back, keeping her distance and putting her hand back over her pepper spray. She didn't think he would do anything- but you never know.

"You should get home or to a doctor or something. How far do you live from here?" She suggested carefully, eyeing him. She did feel bad for him, as she was almost certain that this man did not touch the girl like those guys said they did.

He held his hand over his stomach, "uh, about a mile and a half from here. I was supposed to meet my wife at the sub station 20 minutes ago. Sh-she's probably worried sick." He replied, mumbling the last part as he started to walk in that direction. She hesitated, unsure if She should follow him and risk being seen, or just let him go and him possibly getting hurt again on the way there. She bounced on her toes and bit her bottom lip, watching him limp away- he obviously doesn't think she'd help him anymore. Well. She was feeling charitable.

"Here, I'll walk with you. I'll make sure you don't have anymore problems." He stopped in his tracks and turned around, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Oh, honey, you don't have to do that. You've done enough for me- and I don't want to see you get arrested for helpin' some ol' black man. Go home. Thank you." He replied kindly, and she hesitated again before nodding.

"Goodnight." She said simply, before turning and walking toward her home, avoiding the splattered blood.

Aye!!! I'm so excited! Thank you all for reading, it means so much! I'd just like to give a few fore warnings about some of the content in this book:

So this book will explore racism. I do not condone racism in any way, and i am simply using it to stir emotion in the reader and give a drive for the character. I do not intend to offend anyone.
There will also be profanity and more than a few suggestive jokes and what not, so I don't care if you read but if you don't like that stuff, don't read. (If that's not obvious enough)

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