Chapter 2

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Just FYI this is kind of a "boring" chapter, but I promise that the next chapter, shits gone go down, but this chapter just gives some important information, so please read! Thanks!

After a difficult day working at the radio station, Mara made her way home from campus. It was summer vacation, and she had none of her usual classes, so she was more than grateful to just go home, eat some mac n cheese, and maybe watch a movie.

When she reached her front door, as soon as she opened it, she was attacked by a black ball of fur. Russ. Russ was a Newfoundland pup, about a year old now. Her parents had gotten him as a going away gift for her, as she was leaving for college at the time. She had never been able to have a dog, since her mom and brother were allergic to them; yet that had never stopped her from putting one on her Christmas list every year.

"Woah! Hey Russ." She squealed , almost falling back onto the sidewalk. On his hind legs, he was as tall as her already, and about the same weight as well. His tongue smacked her face with slobbery licks, and she pushed at his soft fur, trying to get into her house without being mauled.

Finally, he pushed off of her and returned to all four of his legs, prancing excitedly around in front of her as She took off her shoes and coat.

"Is someone hungry?" She asked, her voice playful as she momentarily forgot today's scarring events. At this, Russ jumped around in circles even more, before running full speed into the kitchen. Mara laughed some more, sauntering after him to the kitchen.

It was a small kitchen, not much. A fridge, a counter, some drawers. A stove and a pantry. All the necessities, but probably not meant for more than maybe two people. Next to the trash can by the counter was Russ's bowl, and he stuck his nose in it to make as much annoying sound as possible.

"Alright, alright!" She complained, scooping some of his food out and dumping it into the bowl- his water already full. Before she had even dumped it all in, Russ had started eating ferociously. With that, she wandered across the tiny living room, and into her bedroom.

With magenta walls (which she had painted herself), a black comforter on her queen sized bed, and white furniture, her room was probably the chicest part of her home. The living room was brick walls and a green couch with some wooden accessories that were pretty generic. Her room, on the other hand, was her own unique piece, as she had made most of it.

She had taken a lot of the furniture from her old room at her parents house as well, and painted it and shaped it however she pleased. A lot cheaper than buying all new stuff.

She hadnt realized how tired she was until then, and she yawned five times on the way to the bedroom. She could feel the beginning of a headache coming on as well. What a great way to end a horrible day she thought bitterly.

Her bed sat in the corner, next to it her white night stand with a picture of her family. She had painted some skull designs a and swirls with the magenta paint on it, giving it a pop of color. The same for the legs of her white desk in the opposite corner. On the far wall was a bookshelf with some knick knack skulls, pink flowers, and some of her beloved Marilyn Monroe quotes. Her closet and bathroom doors being on the same wall, she went to change into her fuzzy pajama pants and t shirt, glad to finally be out of her jeans and comfy. She was exhausted, and ready to enjoy her night off, and mourn Jared.

She threw her hair into a ponytail before collapsing face first onto her bed. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the flashes of Jareds Limp body. But The minute she did so, the ringing of her phone caused her to groan.

"The hell do you want?" She grumbled, her eyes still closed. She had no idea who had called her, and she didn't really care at the moment either. She was starting to get quite the headache.

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