Chapter 2

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I kicked off my heels and breathed a sigh of relief when feeling came back to my toes.Hastily grabbing my phone, i unlocked the screen and dialled my moms number. she picked up on the second ring.

"Florence, darling! How did it go? Do you know if you got the job?" Mom rattled on obliviously making me smile.

"Mom!" i laughed slowing her down so i could answer her questions. "I got the job!"

"Oh thats wonderful dear, i knew you would. How could anyone not love you?" she laughed merrily and i heard pot banging and i assumed she was cooking dinner as it was coming up to 5 ish now.

"Thanks, although I'm pretty sure i just got the job because your my mom and she was tired of holding interviews." I said, pacing up and down the hall.

"Nonsense, you got that job because you deserve it, even after a shot interview they can see your worth hiring. I'm so proud of you, you'll have to come round for dinner some time," Mom nattered on happily and i heard something crash in the background on her end.

"You okay?" I laughed, "Guess what? Isabella Gonzalez personally applauded your make up skills mom,  she was going on about how amazing you are!" Mom laughed.

"Sure, she probably cant see properly with all the shiny jewellery she wears." Mom joked and started talking to me about how Natty was doing. Natty was mom little kitten. She had gotten her a few months ago when i had moved in with Makayla. After half an hour of mindless chit chat, i managed to get off the phone and turned back towards the apartment.

I tossed Makaylas blazer I'd borrowed onto the sofa and looked around, seeing no one.

"Makayla?" I yelled into the seemingly empty apartment and nearly died of shock when a tall skinny girl with crazy brown curls and a wicked laugh, AKA Makayla, jumped out of the shadows and onto my back. I screamed and laughed, tumberling around in circles and falling back onto the couch.

"My god you have a boney ass Kay," I groaned and shoved her off of me and laughed hearing a loud thud as she hit the ground.

"ow. And please leave my ass out of this, thank you very much," she huffed, before jumping up right and bringing me up with her. Seriously, she grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"How did the interview go?"

"I got it!" I said grinning, for real this time.

"oh babes im sorry, they're stupid to not hire you, they are just money obsessed soulless douches who- wait what? You got the job?!" Makayla screamed staring at me with her mouth wide open.

"HEY!" I yelled smacking her arm jokingly. "Of course I got the job, I am the awesomest person in the world."

"daym go girl!" Mikayla whooped laughing and we linked arms as we headed to the kitchen. I hurried around the kitchen and started making us both a cup of tea, a love I had picked up in England and Mikayla had gotten off of me.

"So tell me everything about it! How'd it go? Did you kick ass? Was Queen Isabella Gonzalez as much of a diva as we thought her to be?!" Kay exploaded staring at me in wonder. How could I do such a mundane task such as making a cup of Tea when there was gossip to be discussed?

"In The beginning of the interview she was really quiet but I think she was being just cautious. As soon as she heard Cynthia was my mom she livened right up. I think that's what got me the job in the end, to be honest. But I don't care, I mean I got the job!" I screamed happily, giggling when Mikayla looked at me as if I was crazy. After months of endless job interviews and nothing though, I couldn't be happier to catch a break!

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