Chapter 10

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Kat's POV

Waking up in Hell, literally, was not my idea of fun and definitely being tortured by demons, not on the top of my list. However, seeing Brad was the worst. Knowing that all of this suffering, mine, Candy's, their child and my mate's, was all due to selfishness, made me want to beat the shit out of him. 

When the demons drug me out of their playroom, I was so happy to see Drake and Garrett that  I ran to them, not caring about the pain coursing through my body. "Hey, Sweetheart, did you miss us?" Drake asked as he smoothed the hair out of my face, tears welling in his eyes. I couldn't answer, so I kissed him, hard. When I broke the kiss, turned to Garrett and grabbed his face, kissing him. 

"Well, as sweet as this is, we have business to finish here." A sultry female voice rings out. I turn and see the object of my pain, Lilith. "Right, we kept our end of the deal, now you let us go and keep Brad." Drake growls. Lilith taps her chin, pretending to think. "Well, I wanted two playthings." Garrett pushes me behind him, "You let Candy go, that isn't our problem. You said to bring them here and you would let us three go. Now, we are leaving." In a blink of an eye, Lilith is right in front of him, "But you two are far yummier than Brad." She pouts and I lose it. "Listen here, bitch. I don't give two shits who or what you are, these are MY mates and they are leaving here with me. You want something to play with, find someone else." I growl at her and she raises an eyebrow.

"Do you have any clue who you are talking to? I am the ruler of Hell itself. You should watch your tongue." She hisses. I narrow my eyes, "Like I said, I. Don't. Care. Back off and go play with your other toys, these are mine and I don't play well with others and I most definitely don't share." I get right in her face. She laughs, "Oh, I do like her, she is too fun. No one ever stands up to me anymore. Such a shame. Alright, you are all free to go." She sighs. I grab Drake and Garrett's hands and drag them to the portal opening, not taking any chances on her changing her mind. 

Once we are in the office building, Garrett takes off his jacket and covers me the best he can, since my clothes are pretty much shredded, well, my back is too, but nothing can be done about that right now. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, I am in a lot of pain. Drake sees me drooping and scoops me up in his arms, where I fall asleep or pass out from the pain, not sure which one. 

When I wake up, I am laying in our bed, on my stomach and there is someone bandaging my back. "Oh, you are awake." I hear Garrett's voice. I turn my head to face him and smile, "How long was I out?" I mumble and he chuckles, "Three days, I was just changing your bandages. You are healing well, there are no infections and after cleaning everything up, you didn't need stitches. How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" I smile, "I am starved and would love a shower." He shakes his head, "Sponge baths until you heal, it is scabbing over. Doc says that in a couple days you can, but not yet. I personally have no problem giving you a sponge bath." He wiggles his eyebrows at me, causing me to laugh. 

Drake comes through the door with a tray of food. "Hi, Sweetheart. I brought you some food. Do you want to try to sit up? I could feed you if you wanted, I just don't want you to eat laying down, you could choke." I chuckle at him, "Yes, mother, I think with a little help, I could sit up." He playfully glares at me and sets the tray down. They each take a side and help me turn over and sit up. "I really don't hurt that bad. It's a bit tender, but nothing like it was at first." Drake nods and looks at Garrett, "Did you tell her about the sponge bath?" He wiggles his eyebrows, causing me laugh.

Garrett grins like the cat that ate the canary, "I did." I roll my eyes, "Can I eat now, I am starved." Drake moves the tray to my lap. It has a creamy soup, a roll, butter and a glass of milk. "It smells great." I start to eat when there is a knock on the door. "Come in." Garrett calls out and a short older woman pokes her head in the room. "Ah, Grace! Kat this is Grace, our pack doctor. Is something wrong?" She smiles and shakes her head, "No, Luna Kat here is healthy and strong, the wounds will heal just fine. I do have some news that may make you all very happy. Our Luna is pregnant. Congratulations Alphas and Luna. I will come back and check on you later." With that, she leaves. 

Garrett and Drake are sitting there, jaws dropped open, eyes wide. I, however, have not stopped eating, I am starved. Then I hear a squeal, Drake. He starts jumping up and down and tackles Garrett. I can't help but chuckle at them. They are rolling on the floor laughing like lunatics, while I am calmly eating my soup. Then they start, "I bet it's a strapping boy!" Drake laughs. "No way, dude, It's a sweet little girl with Kat's hair and my eyes." Garrett counters. This argument goes on for about a half hour. I have finished my soup, gone to the bathroom, brushed my hair and teeth and climbed back in bed and neither one has noticed. 

Grace comes back in, "How are you feeling, Luna?" I smile, "Please, call me Kat. I feel fine. A bit sore, but not bad at all." She nods and then shakes her head at the two arguing men still going at it. "Now, I know that you are human, but you are pregnant with an Alpha baby, wolf pregnancies are shorter than human and Alpha's are even shorter. You are due in about five months. I would like to get an ultrasound soon. I won't be able to tell the sex yet, but I track the development. I shall have the machine brought up here in the morning and we will take a look. For now, try to get some rest and tomorrow, you should be able to shower. Let me check your wounds and go from there." I nod and she checks me over, the boys are still arguing. "Tomorrow should be fine, just be careful. I would say have one of them help you, but I doubt they are done by then." She giggles and I laugh. "Good night, Kat." I smile, "Good night, Grace and thank you." She waves and leaves.

I roll on my side and pull the blanket up, trying to go to sleep, but their bickering is grating on my nerves. "Will you two shut the hell up." I growl at them and they stop and look at me with wide eyes. "You two missed the doctor, she will be back in the morning and I am tired. If you want to keep arguing, go away and do it somewhere else." I lay back and cover up only to be surrounded by the familiar warmth of my two men. "Sorry, Kitten." Garrett mumbles against my head. "Yeah, sorry, Sweetheart." Drake says. I kiss them both and fall asleep quickly. 

I wake up the next morning, alone. I frown and look around the room. The clock says 10 am, damn. I head to the bathroom. When I come out, Grace and the ultrasound machine are waiting. "I called the Alphas and told them I was seeing you, they are on their way up now." She tells me smiling as I climb back into bed. Not two seconds later, Drake and Garrett burst through the door. "We will find out who is right!" Garrett calls out and Drake opens his mouth, but I cut him off, "No! do not start!" Grace chuckles and sets up the machine. 

"Just lean back and relax, Kat. I am going to squirt the gel on your belly and we will see what we can, ok?" I nod and she puts on the gel and rubs the wand around. The gray field shows two black spots and the room is filled with a loud swishing sounds. "That sound is your babies heartbeats. You see those black areas, those are your babies. You are having twins." She smiles gently at me and prints out a few pictures. "Everything looks good. We should do this once a week and in about a month, we should be able to tell the sexes.Congratulations." With that, she leaves. 

I look at my men, both have tears in their eyes, "I never thought I would find my mate and have children, but here you are. Perfect and pregnant. My life is perfect. I love you both so much." Garrett chokes out. Drake sniffles, "I love you too, My Alpha and Luna. My pregnant Luna, our children are growing in there." He places a hand on my belly and Garrett places his hand on top of Drake's. I put my hand on top of theirs, "We are in this together, you know." 

"Now, I want a shower, Grace said if you two help me, I can have one." I look at them with pleading eyes and Drake sighs, "Trouble." He grumbles and Garrett chuckles. After a shower and food, I am back in bed, watching a movie after a forced the guys to go to work. I didn't need a babysitter. Plus, they were driving me nuts. I am watching 'Princess Bride' when there is a knock on the door. "Come in" I call out as I pause the movie. Mac pokes his big, bald head in, "Hey, there, Kat." I smile, "Hey, Mac, come in!" He comes in and sits in a chair next to the bed. "What brings you here?" He smiles, "I was just checkin' on ya. The last time I saw you, you were out cold and bleeding." I shrug, "I'm good now. I had to make the guys go to work, they were driving me crazy, acting like I was a damn invalid." He chuckles, "I am just glad to see the Alphas happy and you too, Kat. The last few years have been hard on ya and you deserve some happiness. Maury wanted to come by later if that's ok. I think the old turd misses ya." I laugh, "Of course. I do miss seeing him, but not paying him." He chuckles and we talk for a while before  I feel myself drifting off and I hear him leave before sleep takes over. 

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