Chapter 2

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Matthew's p.o.v:

I see her run off, smiling to myself "well off to go buy some stuff for dinner tonight I guess." I tell myself as I walk down the street. "Ok first I need pancake mix and lots of maple syrup."

Reader-chan's p.o.v:

I start to look at my map, " i turn here, right? Aghhh I'm so bad at reading maps!" I yell at myself as I reach a dead end. "It's ok, just turn around and keep trying, yeah!" I pump my fist in the air staying positive.

*2 hours later*

"Hehe...I-I'll find it, yeah I'll find my way home soon." I say almost giving up, but then I felt a water drop on my head. "Great just what I needed."

I start to run looking for some shelter. As I look around I see someone with the country uniform from my school. My face lit up as I try to reach them quickly. As I got closer I saw who it was "Matthew is that you?" his head moves up and looks at me.

"H-hey" he says stuttering.

"Hey!" I say happy to see someone I know. "Could you help me with some thing..." I trail off feeling embarrassed for getting lost while looking for my map and address. "I'm well, I'm kind of lost." I rub the back of my head laughing at myself and handing him the papers, "I've been looking for hours but I still can't find my apartment." I say as it slowly starts to drizzle.

He scans the map and says "This can't be." he says to himself "Hmmm I think you live near me."

"Wait really?" I say happily now knowing I would have some to walk with to and from school without getting lost.

"Yep, just follow me." he says then looks up at the sky "it may take a couple minutes so let's jog there before the down pour starts." he say quietly as I start to jog behind him now realising just how much taller he is compared to me. Damn I'm short I think to myself but after a couple minutes have passed he speaks up.

"We're here"

I look up and see my apartment complex and I hug him. "Oh My Gosh, thank you so much! I would have never been able to find my way home without you."

Matthew's p.o.v:

I could feel my face heat up as she hugged me. I then slowly hug back. "Y-you're w-welcome (y-n), it really was no problem at all."

We start to walk towards the building. She walk up the stairs and I follow shortly behind she stops at a door. I guess that's her room. She looked back at me.

Read-chan's p.o.v:

"Thank you for walking me all the way to my room, but you didn't have to."

"Well the thing is" he pulls out some keys, walks down one door, and opens it. "I live right next door." he states. He starts to walk inside before saying goodnight.

I stay outside for a bit blushing at what I said and sigh. I then look behind me as the storm finally hits. I smile then walk inside my apartment.

*Author's note*
So sorry it took me so long to write another chapter, hope you like it. And leave a comment if you would like to see anything in the story. Till next time my lovely readers.

I'll always love you - Canada x reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now