The unknown

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Drip. Drip. Drop.
Drip. Drip. Drop.



She ran through another puddle.

Rain falling on her, getting her white dress wet,

Covered in dirt and sticking to her.

Cold she was.

She had to find shelter quick.

She stops upon a 3-stories house.

Deciding to stop and rest, she walks and knocks on the door.

No one answered.

She tried the door.


Letting herself in, she found it quite tidy for an old house...


The rain and wind picked up.

Thunder roared and lightning stroked,

Trapping her inside.

She decided to explore the house.

Walking around, she found painting of people.

'Must have been the people that lived here', she thought.

Walking up the stairs and looking through the rooms,

She notices how clean and well kept they were.

How odd.

Just then, she hears tapping.

Tap, Tap, Tap.

Walking back and forth, just above her head, on the third floor.

He mind gave off warning signs.

Telling her to leave right then and there,

But her curiosity got the better of her.

Walking up stairs, she continues to hear the tapping going back and forth.

Stopping at the top of the stairs, she found there was only one door in the entire Hallway.

One big red door staring back at her.

The tapping continues almost like its telling her to kept going.

Walking toward the door,

Now the tapping sounds like stomping.

'Just beyond that door', she thought.

Stopping right in front of the door.

She could have turn back right then and walk away, but she didn't.

It's now or never.

Reaching out to the door handle,

She tries to open it....


Relieved but disappointed, she turns back around and walks away.

Just as she was about to walk down the stairs, she hears a sound...


Turning back, she sees the door was opened a little.

Walking back to the door, she didn't stop this time.

Taking a hold of the door handle, she push the door open.

Just a normal room.

She walked into the room.



The door slams shut and locks, locking her in.

Running toward the door,

She tried to get it to open.


Screaming and banging she does, but no one could hear her.

"Scream all you want, no one will hear you. You'll never escape. Trapped in this house with me forever. Hahaha...."

Crying was all you heard left.

No girl. No body. Nothing.

All you hear is a lonely girl's cries forever in the house....

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