Free fall

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Draco's POV

Well, it's official, I'm getting married to my 3rd year love right after graduation. I thought to myself, finally content with my life

I went up to Hogwarts's tallest tower, with the love of my life, and we gazed at the wonderful sunset. She went to go grab some supper for us but I suddenly heard heavy footsteps on the tower that filled my heart with dread, only one persons boots made that sound.

"Hello Draco" I heard a cold voice say

"Hello father" I said bitterly

"Why so upset to see me? Is it because you know what your doing is for the good of the family? I know you've always hated us, but once that mongrel is dead you can leave and marry a rich pureblood, that nice Parkinson girl perhaps"

"No father."


"I love her"

"You can stop the charade Draco, the plan is going well. Soon we will get rid of that filthy mud blood."

"She's not a filthy mud blood, She's the purest person at this dreaded school."

"Shut your filthy mouth boy, when she gets back, you will complete your job."


"Well then, I'll have to fix that. You are a disgrace, I knew you wouldn't be able to do it."

My mind went blank. I looked at my father as he hid.

Hermione walked back up to the tower

"Hello, did I hear voices?" she said

"No, just me admiring myself"

"Wow Draco," she said ignoring my comment "look at the view from the edge."

"Pretty, isn't it love?"

"Why'd you say it like tha...." She said as I pushed her off the tower

End of POV

With that, Hermione Jean Granger was killed, that night they announced it and Harry Potter was the only one besides the teachers to care.

Harry walked back to the boys dormitory fiddling with the ring in his jacket pocket, glumly, he went to bed and cried him self to sleep. He had no friends left, he couldn't turn to the Weasley family, he had no one. He knew who was responsible

Draco's father appeared in his sons dormitory and congratulated him on his work, which Draco wasn't so happy about.

"Next my dear Draco, is to kill Potter, then, you may marry that Parkinson girl." Lucius said evilly

"Why do I feel so guilty?" Draco said sorrowly, still under the spell

"Because Draco, you were so caught up in the plan you convinced yourself that you loved the mud blood." Lucius said coldly, not knowing of Draco's blind finder blood. He didn't know much about his son at all.

That night, Draco told Blaise what he had done, he knew Blaise wouldn't snitch on him, every man has his secrets. Besides, Blaise didn't care. Little did they know, Harry saint scarhead was listening to the whole thing, knowing it was Draco all along.

The next morning Harry ran straight to McGonagall and told her what happened. Then, the Ministry of Magic's minister heard about it, but by the time everyone knew that Draco Lucius Malfoy, ex-deatheater son of Lucius Malfoy, fiancé of Hermione Jean Granger, killed her, Draco was long gone in the forests of Dean.

Every auror the ministry had was out looking for Draco Malfoy, but Harry had his own mission, to kill him. Draco hid in a modified purse so he was there with a bed, food, etc. The ministry looked everywhere, besides the forests of Dean.

Two months later

"Hey, Draco you there?" said Hermione

"But, but, I killed you!" Draco said

"That was a veela vision" said Hermione.

"What are they?"

"They show a possible future, there's a muggle show or two about it"

"I don't like them, it felt so, so.."

"Real?" asked Hermione "And by the way, you are repeating yourself."

"Yeah, I guess, real is what it was like, I felt everything! The pain, regret, everything!"

"Your repeating yourself again Draco." Said Hermione

"Well I'm just a wee bit freaked out woman!" Draco yelled

"Don't snap at me Draco." Said Hermione crossly.

"Wait a second, did you say you killed me! Was there some plan or something to make me fall for you or something!"

"Hermione I have to confess to something. Yes, originally when my parents heard you were my veela mate they made me a plan to kill you, Ron, and Harry. But I actually fell for you after a little bit. So I cancelled the plan with my parents and they told me not to come home until the problem was fixed."


With that, Hermione ran to her dormitory and sobbed herself to sleep. After, of course, alerting everyone that her murder was false.

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