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Jealously: typically fear of loosing ones possessions or relationships. Can spike fear of abandonment
(One week after Harry's meeting with Lucius)

I want to throw up. If that dammed Ravenclaw doesn't get her paws, no, talons off Draco then I'll be having bird for dinner. I can see it, her puppy dog eyes and her talking, constantly asking questions. It's sickening

Draco's Pov

This girl looks terrified. She goes bug-eyed whenever I look at her. And she's constantly asking questions, she's a perfectionist. It's kind've annoying but it reminds me of Hermione. Except I'm scared of her.

As I looked at my mate, she was positively infuriated. Then I remembered a passage from her book

"A veelas mate may see threat to their mate even if there is none. The possibility of loosing their mate causes them to see romantic signs in a simple question. This is one of the reasons veelas can be dangerous, they may overreact. A way some control themselves is remembering if there is physical/romantic contact, they will feel pain. New veelas however, typically do not think of this."

She's jealous. I want to hug this girl just to spite her, but they'd both probably jinx me.

"Mr. Malfoy, can you tell me what I would get if I mixed Aconite with an infusion of Barberry, White Hollyhock, and German Iris?"

"I'm not sure sir"

"Well then, you can research it in detention today, since you have so much time to stare at Ms.Granger."

Hermiones Pov

Did he have to say my name? I wasn't the one not paying attention. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as the class stared. I stared at my shoes in the hopes no one would see. I can't stop thinking about Harry's sudden interest in me. Had he just not want to hurt Ron? I don-

"Ms.Granger, you can join Mr.Malfoy since you have time to look at your shoes instead of working on your potion. Glad to know you'll both be getting 100 percent on your owls."

"Yes sir" I said bitterly

Harry's Pov

It's like they've completely forgotten I was here. I'm sitting right next to Hermione and she's not even speaking to me.

"Harry?" A soft voice interrupted my thoughts

"I have a question, and I need you to answer honestly. Do you like me? Romantically?"

"I-um- yeas." Way to go Potter.

"Since when?"

"This year."

"Only this year? What started it so suddenly?"

"Not sure."

"POTTER! DETENTION." Snape was obviously irritated. He dismissed us with a grunt of annoyance.

No-ones POV

As the students arrived at the Great Hall, one stayed behind and went to the head dorm into both rooms. As Draco came back, he barely flinched when he was greeted with a backhand from his father.

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