Chaper 1: My dirty little Secret

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Chaper 1: My dirty little Secret

This is my first story ever, So please please don't be to harsh I'll update as much as possible.

With Love 

 ~~ Selena<3

P.s. Sometimes buttons on my keyboard don't work so If you see an error please point it out. (: Thanks<3

Looking back, I;m not sure if i would have handled it any different, but I just couldn't drag him own with me, I couldn't let him risk everything for me. 

My name is Katerina Cheri Adams, but my friends call me Kat. I'm sixteen, a Junior at Christenberry High School, I'm pretty average, short; about 5'3", I'm skinny almost to skinny but I can't seem to gain weight, I have Dark Green Eyes, their intense; I love them. I have jet black hair. My bestest friends in the entire worls are Skyee and Justin, they are amazing and know almost everything about me, but enough about me, lets get on to the story..

The last bell of the day rang signaling school was over, I got up and packed all my stuff into my bag and left to go and meet Jake at his car, he's seventeen and a senior, we've been together for almost 2 years. We grew up together, we've been neighbors for life. Although at first we absolutely hated each other, it wasn't until sixth grade where we actually started talking. We became fast friends, and in our freshman year he asked me out, by then I had already a massive crush on him, but then again who wouldn't, his long black hair that always seems to sweep over his eyes so perfectly and his Green grayeyes, he's gorgeous and everyone knows it. I'm definitely one lucky girl. 

I walked out through the door of the school, and looked to Jake's usual parking space, he was the leaning against his car, smiling at me. He had one of those drop dead gorgeous smiles, that most people would kill for. I walked down the stairs eager to get into his embrace, I walked over to him, practically running. 

''Hey Kat'' He said enveloping me into a hug and kissing me. I smiled into the kiss, then we pulled apart. "Hey Jakey" I said giving him a peck on the lips and hurrying to the other side of the car throwing my bag into the back on the way, he hates is when I call him Jakey. His car was killer, it was a black 2006 Pontiac solstice, I loved driving around in it  but I preferred my 2011 Jeep Wrangler in purple of course. We alternated driving each other to school each week because we love each others cars so much. I got into the passenger side of the car trying to suppress a laugh. He just shook his head as me with a smile on his face. " Kat, your so lucky I love you" He said with a bit of a chuckle, I beamed my biggest smile at him, "No, your lucky I love you!" I said laughing. He just chuckled and started the car turning on the radio and playing with it "WAIT! STOP! I love that song go back! PLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAASSEE!"  I said putting the radio back to my favorite song ever 'I'm in love with a girl' by Gavin Degraw. Jake smiled  " You know Kat, you have the most bipolar music collection I've ever seen"  I smiled " That's okay, you have the most bipolar attitude towards Lady Gaga I've ever seen." I said throwing him a smile. "Yeah Yeah I know I know, you tell me all the time, but some songs are good others not so much, so sometimes i like her others I don't, at least I have good reasoning behind my bipolarness" he said sticking his tongue out at me. " Mr. Sanders! I'm appalled I can't believe that you would assume that I don't have reasoning behind my bipolar music selection. I just simply love different types of music." I told him sticking my tongue back at him. He just laughed at me and pulled onto our street. He pulled into his driveway. "Come over?" He asked. I frowned "you know I can't, I'm grounded until tomorrow for my stupid grades"  He pouted "But I'm gonna miss you." I smiled " I'm gonna miss you too, but just until tomorrow, then we can spend the whole weekend together. MmKay?" He smiled " Okay, but promise me that no one gets you but me this weekend your ALL mine?" I laughed " I'm always ALL yours, but my parents are looking through the windows I should be home by now, I gotta go. I love you" I leaning in for a kiss " I love you too." He said his lips meeting mine. I opened the door and grabbed my bag out of the back, and walked to my house. 

"I'm home!" I yelled as I walked in the door. My mom came through the doorway from the kitchen. "Oh hey honey, it's about time your home, go upstairs and do your homework" She said in a stern yet nice voice. "Mom" I started, dragging out the word "I have no homework today, I did it all in study hall." I said in a monotone voice. She frowned at me "fine then go upstairs". I rolled my eyes "No worries Mom I'm already on my way" I said in bored voice. My mom was one of those people who wanted nothing but perfection, like the reason I'm grounded is because I got a 'C' on a quiz. Never mind that it is one of the hardest classes the stupid school offers, the best grade was a 'B-' but to my mother that doesn't matter, she does everything for me, picks out my clothes how I do my hair and all that, she plans out my day, It was practically World War III when me and Jake got together, eventually she calmed down, but I found my own way to cope. When I was thirteen I ran away from home, I wound up running to the bad side of town, I was sitting in an alley when Micheal came my way, at first I was scared but after a while we started talking, I told him all about my controlling obsessive mother and about how when I was two I saw my dad put a gun in his mouth and pull the trigger, about how me and Jake were slowly getting closer, I told him everything. He said he had something special something that might help with everything, he gave me ecstasy and said it was a free trial, I took the little pill and it took a little bit, but I was feeling on top of the world, I felt amazing. I asked him how long it would last he told me it would last a while but, I wanted more I didn't want to take the chance of ever having to give up the feeling. He said he would give me more for a deal. At the time I didn't really think it through but, I most definitely regret it now. He said he'd give me enough so that I wouldn't run out anytime soon and he'd tell me about the dangers about using X-TC, but at that moment, I didn't care about any of that I just knew that I was content. I told him that. He leaned in and kissed me  and I let him I wound up losing my virginity to him that day in the alley, when I finally got home I had his number and a whole sand which baggy filled with the little pills. Over the years Micheal started giving me different drugs, it'd always be the same price. When I started dating Jake I tried getting off drugs but I coudn't I was hooked and I knew it. No one knows about my addiction except Micheal, obviously. I'm pretty sure that over the years I've tried over 100 different drugs but my favorite is Methamphetamine(Chrystal Meth) it's the one that I am currently hooked on, I've tried cutting, coke, pot, LSD, blues, brown, dexies, Valium, PCP, I can't even list all the different narcotics, and worst of all my mom never noticed, she just thought it was because I was a teenager and would just send me to my room. Mom of the year, eh?

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