Chapter two: Is this good bye?

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Chapter two: Is This Good bye?

I don't know if it's any good, I'm sincerely trying to make this story good. THIS IS STRICTLY FICTION! I'm writing this one in the middle of the night, so it might not make any sense, sorry if it doesn't.

~~ Selena<3

P.s. Keyboard still isn't working properly :/

As I lay on my bed, I just kept thinking back to the night my father committed suicide, I was 6 and I looked him right in the eye as he pulled the trigger to his 12 gauge. He was never much of a father before that he was always out, and I remember him coming home late drunk with woman who were not my mom, I would always be the one to let him in the house in the middle of the night because in his drunken stupor he never thought to use his own key to unlock the door, but nope he would just knock and knock until I came downstairs in the middle of the night. I was deep in my thoughts when a knock on my door disturbed me. " KATERINA CHERI ADAMS! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO LACK THIS DOOR!?" my mother screeched from the other side, "Mom, hold on I'm coming" I said as got off my bed and walked over to my door unlocking it. my door burst open before I even got the chance to turn the door knob. " HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO LOCK THAT FUCKING DOOR KATERINA?! YOU KNOW BETTER I HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT YOU WERE DOING IN HERE!" She said starting her rant. " YOU COULD HAVE BEEN DOING ANYTHING! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE WHEN YOU LOCK YOUR DO-" 'MOM! I said interrupting her, " I have heard it a million times, I'm sorry it won't happen again, okay?" She frowned and gave me a mean look. "If it happens one more time I'm taking your door, for good. Got it?" I don't even know how many times she's threatened me with taking away my door, she has never done it. " Yeah mom I got it, won't happen ever again." She gave me a dirty look. "Put on your blue strapless dress, with your black ballet flats, and put your hair up in a ponytail. We're having the The Sanders' over for dinner." she told me in a stern voice. "Mom, I'm really not that hungry." I told her trying to sound honest, she frowned at me "I don't care this is a good time to have them over, besides I'm already cooking, so get ready they'll be here in half an hour" She turned and walked out of my room. She's the type of mother that's a total bitch when no one is around, but as soon as someone comes around she totally flips her attitude, she becomes like, the nicest most understanding woman on earth. It's ridiculous, but not wanting to fight with my mom I put on the stupid blue dress, the black flats, and put my hair up. Just to make her happy. I had some time left so I decided to go to my closet and pull out the little box hidden under my floor board, I opened the box and took out a pipe, a lighter, and a little baggie filled with meth. I put two little crystals in the pipe and closed my closet door. I ran the lighter under the pipe just long enough for me to inhale, I held it in for a second, then exhaled. I did this repeatedly until I was all out. I climbed out of closet and sprayed myself down with perfume, by the time I was done twenty five minutes had already past, so I went downstairs to wait for Jake and his family to get here.

I went downstairs and sat in the living room, almost as soon as I sat down the doorbell rang. I got up off the couch to go and answer the door, as I opened the door the Sanders' each greeted me. Jake was the first one to greet me, but I wouldn't really say it was much of greet. He kind of ran up and hugged me, right as that happened my mother walked into the foyer from the living room and saw Jake hug me, which got me a dirty look from her, but in less than a second a smile lit up her face, I pulled away from Jake and muttered a 'hello' the rest of his family. "Hello Joan, Kyle, and of course Jake, Ho are you guys come on in." My mother said in an enthusiastic voice leading them into the dining room. "It's wonderful to see you all, I feel as if it's been ages since we've spent time together." She said keeping up her charade. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Jake's hand, and started walking over toward the dining room. When we finally entered the dining room everyone else was already seated. We took our seats across from each other. Our parents were already deep in conversation about work, my mother is the CEO of a major cosmetics company, and Jake's parents were both lawyers and ran their own firm in town. I was totally zoned out pushing food around my plate, (something about meth makes you totally lose you appetite)when something Jake's' mom said caught my attention. She said something about a house in Connecticut, after that I decided to tune in. Jake's mom was still talking. "The house is absolutely gorgeous, twelve rooms in all, three stories, the only downer is the distance, but I don't see that as a real deal breaker, I mean the move from Texas to Connecticut will be huge, but I see it as a new experience and in the town there are no law firms currently open, the town has a rustic charm kind of, I am most definitely thinking yes on the new house" Jake's mom finished. If I weren't high I'm pretty sure I would have been livid, but sadly I was high and I didn't even give a damn. That would be something I love and hate about being high, I love how you feel absolutely no emotions, but at times like this it would be really helpful to feel a little angry, or curious, or quite frankly anything. But I didn't I was just content, the thought of the only boy i've ever dated , my first kiss, my first love, moving all the way across the country didn't even phase me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2012 ⏰

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